Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1595

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1548 PROCLAMATIONS. Nos. 4, 5. November ze isen, Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United ';};g’,§" ‘,€,,";fk‘g,,‘;’f States of America, do earnestly recommend that Thursday, the In- twenty-eighth day of this present month of November, be set a art as a day of National thanksgiving and pray)er, and that the peoplle of our country, ceasing from the cares an la ors of their workin day, shall assemble in their respective places of worship and give tlianks to God, who has prosper us on our way and made our paths the ths of peace; beseechilnlgl Him to bless the day to our present and lldture gocid, itg t y oiielof thank giving for each re-united home circ e as or e a ion a arge. In vyitplesiywhegegf I hivebhepggngo set my hand and caused theseal o the United States o e a e . Done at the city of Washingmn this first day of November, in the year of our Lor one thousand, eight hundred and [SEAL.] eighty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fourteenth. B H ' ENJ. ARRISON. By the President: Janus G. BLAINE, Secretary of State. [No. 5.] BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. ‘ Nuvmmaiun. Whereas the Congress of the United States did by an act approved m,..,b;,,_ on the twenty-second day of February one thousand eight undred V°*-2¤·v·°·’6- and eighty-nine provide that the in abitants of the erritory of Dakota might, upon the conditions rescribed in said act become the States of North Dakota and South Dakota; And whereas it was provided by said act that the area comprising the Territory of Dakota should, for the (purposes of the act, be divided on the line of the seventh standar parallel moduced due west to the western boundary of said Territory and t at the delegates elected as therein provided to the Constitutional convention in i tricts north of said parallel should assemble in convention, at the time prescribed in the act, at the city of Bismarck; An whereas it was provided by the said act that the degigates elected as aforesaid should, after they had met and organiz , declare on behalf of the pegple of Nort Dakota, that they adopt the Constitution of the Unit States; whereupon the said convention should be authorized to form a constitution and State Government for the proposed State of North Dakota; And whereas it was provided by said act that the Constitution so adopted shouldbe republican in form and make no distinction in crvi or political rights on account of race or color, except as to Indians not taxed, and not be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and the principles of the Declaration of Independence; and that the Convention should, by an ordinance irrevocable without the consent of the United States and the people of said States, make certain provisions prescribed said act; _ _ And whereas it was provided by said act that the Constitutions of North Dakota and South Dakota should, respectively, incorporate an agreement to be reached in accordance with the provision of the act, or an equitable division of all propertv belonging to the Territory of Dakota, the disposition of all public records, and also for the apportionment of the debts and liabilities of said Territory, and that each of said States should obligate itself to pay its proportion