Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/150

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96 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 182. 1890. I E} °°¤'·*°¤¤ ¤P°¤ That executions u n 'udgments obtained in any other than Indian smamisunll wm courts shall not be trlglicil for the sale or conveyance of title to imnmuamu. provements made upon lands owned by an In 'an nation, except in wiqmmpmvmmu the cases wherein attachments are provided for. Upon a return of ‘“’ ""’°°· nulla bona, upon an execution upon any judgment against an adopted citizen of any Indian tribe, or against any tperson residing in the Indian country and not a citizen thereof, i the judgment debtor shall be the owner of any improvements upon real estate within the Indian Territory in excess of one hundred and sixty acres occupied as a homestead, such improvements may be subjected to the pay- ment of such judgment by a decree of the court in which such judg— 1’¤>¤¤l¤·¤~ ment was rendered. Proceedings to subject such roperty to the payment of judgments may be y petition, of which the judgment e for shall have notice as in the original suit. If on the hearing the court shall be satisfied from the evidence that the judgment debtor is the owner of improvements on real estate, subject to the payment of said judgment, the court may order the same sold, and the proceeds, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy sai’d judgment and costs, afpplied to the payment of said judgment ; or if the improvement is o sufficient rental value to discharge the judgment within a reasonable time the court may alppoint a receiver, who shall take charge of such property and app y the rental receipts thereof to the payment of such judgment, under such regulations as the court may Dlprescribe. If under such pi-ioceeding any improve- _ mint is soljd o my pgzizens of thetplribe ju w 'ch said property is situaemay eco e e urc r ereo. ¤%',n'§,*‘§},'j'°,*,'}.‘: The Constitution ofp the United States and all general laws of the umm sum; mms United States which prohibit crimes and misdemeanors in any place "’°"u°‘ with1n the sole and exclusive jprisdiction of the United States, except in the District of Colum ia, and all laws relating to national banking-rassociations shall have the same force and effect in the mean mum In- erntory as elsewhere in the United States- but nothing in this act shall be so construed as to dseprive any of the courts of the civilized nations of exclusive juri iction over all cases arising _u£¤:¤?~¤¤¤¤l afdg wherein members of said nations, whether by treaty, blood, or adopmm tion, are the sole parties, nor so as to interfere with the right and power of said civi ized nations to punish said members for violation of the statutes and laws enacted by their national councils where gig; laws are not contrary to the treaties and laws of the United s. .

:£;}§“ Sec. 32. That the word "county," as   in any of the laws of

' Arkansas which are put in force in the Indian Territory by the provisions of this act, shall be construed to embrace the territory within the limits of a judicial division in said Indian Territory; and whenever in said laws of Arkansas the word "county" is used, the words "judicial division " may be substituted therefor, in said Indian Territory, for the puxlposes of this act. And whenever in said laws of

f}r=;t*g" ,£·;w¤¤¤•¤ Arkansas the wor “State " or the words "State of Arkansas " are

"'used, the word "Territory," or the words "Indian Territory," may be substituted therefor, for the purposes of this act, and for the pur- Pr H i p_ese_of making said laws of Ar ansas applicable to the said In ian ,,,,,,§T,$‘{{,’,, ·?{}§m,‘,§ erritoiéy; but all prosecutions therein s all run in the name 0T the st:’wS““""““ W°“,,'°‘°“j “ glam STl1GS·”h f h f fi f h h, mm, , - _ Ec. 33. at the provisions o c a ter orty- ve o the said general laws of Arkansas, entitled “Criminal law", except as to the crimes and misdemeanor mentioned in the provisos to this section. _ and the provisions of chapter foggy-six of said general laws of °"*”"’*°‘ P'°°°d“*'°· Arkansas, entitled “Criminal Pro ure," as far as the are a li- J mu H cable, are hereby extended over and put in force in the lhdian lller-

,,,}',,,, OE, ‘§‘,,f§,"g mtory, and jurisdiction to enforce said provisions is hereby con-

$ · ferred upon the United States court therein : Provided, That in all osummigan cases where the laws of the United States and the said criminal laws