Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1493

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1442 1r11¤*rY.r1nsr oononnss. sm. 11. oss. 674-6l2’T· 1891. Numb 3,1991- CHAP. 6'l4.—·An act to relieve Myron A. Eastman of the charge of desertion. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgpresentatires of the ’ég;gQa·gi € qnétfzd States gfhAme£ica Ooqgress gssegngte 1 , Tléat the Secretary ' 0 ar e, an e is ere y, authorize an irecte to remove from the rolls and records in the War Department of the United States Army the charge of desertion now standing on said rolls and records against Myron A. Eastman, late of Company F, One hundred and seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and to grant to said art an honorable discharge as of the date of Jul first, eighteen E 3* . Y g zgmmo. un red and sixty-three: Provided, That he shall receive no pay, M *’“"·°°°· compensation, or allowance by virtue of this act or such discharge. Approved, March 3, 1891. March a,1se1. CHAP. 6'I5.—An act to remove the charge of desertion against Frank W. Mor- ——t—-·—·— gan. F¤mkW-Mo - Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re res t t' i th H°“°"b]°°*“°r%'g°' United States o_GAmerica in Congress asserr{bled€7Th;t tl1bSegc1?dta1·; of War of the nited States be, and he is hereby, directed to remove the charge of desertion against Frank W. Morgan, late of Company G, Fourteenth United States .Infantry, and issue to him an honorable discharge from the Army of the United States, as of date of July dfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. ` Approved, March 3, 1891. l\Ia.rch3, 1891, d;;?; g)7£;;nA§e directing the Secretary of War to issue an honorable J mn m ._ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re res t f · th

  • f°“°”l’“l*“°h“¤°· United States of America in Congress assermbled€)Th;t1tlhdqS3eSci?dtar§

of War is authorized and directed to issue an honorable discharge from the service of the United States to John Reilly, late captain Third Lgtrine gorpi Miszouri Vcalunteers. said honorable discharge to ate ecem er t irty- rst, eig iteen hundred and s` t — , th day on which the said John Reillv’s service terminatedé gnduiip td 5mm1w. which he received pay: Provided, That this act shall not entitle the ‘ °*’°"°°°‘ said John Reilly to bounty, pension, or extra pay. Approved, March 3, 1891. March 3, 1891. CHAP. 677.-An act granting an honorable discharge to Howard Willison Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the H¤¤‘¤¤i Wiwson. United States o America in Con ress assembled, That the Pre Honorable muster- g sldent we oft thetgnited Stages peg and heoisdhcreby, aL1th<:irized tlc; regoelgf and se a 1 so muc o pecia r rs num ere one d ninety, \Var Department, Adjutant-General’s Office, ddtledr W:;!;- ington, May twenty-eighth, eighteen_hundred and sixty-four, as dismissed Second-lieutenant Howard V\ illison, One hundred and third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and to grant and to cause to be issued to said W'illison a certificate of honorable muster out of the service as g of the date of May twenty-eighth, §igl1i5€8¤ hUI1llI'€d and sixty-four; §;m·so.m Provided, That said Howard Willison shall not be entitled by vir- P°"_ tue of this act to any ptaly or allowance, Subsequent to May twenty- eighth, eighteen hundr and sixty-four. Approved, March 3, 1891.