Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1488

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 652-654. 1891. · 1437 CHAP. 652.-An act for the relief of Sylvester Truesdell. Much 3·i$9i· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of America in Con ress assemblgd, That Sylvester Sylvester rmssusu. Truesdell, who, on the twenty-nintli da of June, eighteen hundred h,§‘,§‘g°,l'Q,‘g,'f',i°g,,{°,,"f’“k° and sixty-six, made homestead entry og the south-west quarter of section six, in township one hundred and twenty-two north, of range thirty-three west, of the fifth principal meridian, at Saint Cloud, Minnesota, which entry was canceled on the twenty-seventh day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, be, and he is hereby, authorized to make another entry in lieu of said canceled entry, under and pursuant to the provisions of the homestead act, with credit for fees and commissions, and also with credit as to residence for the time which he held said original entry, in addition to the other rights and privileges conferre by the homestead law Approved, March 3, 1891. CHAP. 653.-An act for the relief of Patrick J . Murphy March s, 1891. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the · United States of America in Congress assembled, That the real es- {‘;{1¥i¢¥;_iYiMwrhy- tate situate in the District of Columbia purchased by and conveyed ation gi mirltileitdi to Patrick J. Murphy, of said District, prior to the passage of this §}gm“§°“ °"’“°’*’“P act, be, and the same is hereby, relieved and exempted from the ` operation of an act entitled "An act to restrict the ownership of real V°l·”4·P·*7°· estate in the Territories to American citizensyand so forth," approved, March third, eighteen hundred and eighty seven; and al orfeitures incurred by force of said act are, in respect of such real estate, hereby remitted, Approved, March 3, 1891. GCHAP. 654.-An act for the relief of Washington L. Parvin and Henry A. March 3, 1891. reene. W Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United &ates of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be vif’“h*¤Z°°¤ L·P*¤"· the duty of the roper accounting officers of the Treasury to examine Claim to be exam. and determine the amounts justly due Washington L. Parvin for ex- ’““"· enses incurred by him in recruiting, transporting, and subsisting Compan F, First Re iment California Infantry olunteers, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in the State of California; also gif? f·6Gb*§°;*;ém_ what is justly due Henry A. Greene for expenses incurred by him in mm. recruiting, transporting. and subsisting Company G, First Regiment ` California Infantry Volunteers, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in the State of California; but in no case shall the amount Limitallowed thereon to the said \Vasl1ington L. Parvin exceed nine hundred and ninety-one dollars and ten cents; nor shall the amount allowed to the said Henry A. Greene exceed the sum of three thousand three hundred and three dollars; and the sums so found to be due to said Washington L. Parvin and Henry A. Greene, respec- Payment. tively, shall be paid to them out of any moneys in the Treasury not · otherwise appropriated: Provided, that acceptance of such payment shall be in full of all claims on account of said expenses: Provided Pmmzw. further, That no claim under the provisions of this act shall be au- t,£f"° *°' *""“““" dited and paid unless presented within one year from the passage of this act. _ _ Approved, March 3, 1891.