Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1463

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1412 FIFTY—FIRS'l‘ CONGRESS. SEss. II. CHS. 481—483. 1891. aggregating the sum of two thousand and ninety-six dollars and forty- three cents, now appearing by the records of the Treasury Depart- Payment _¤> legal ment to be due to said Jones, and to pay to such legal representatives "°"“’°°“°“°?'°S‘ of said Jones whatever sum of money, if an , may be found due and unpaid, not exceeding the amount hereinbefbre stated. Approved, February 28, 1891. February 28.1891- CHAP. 482.-An act for the relief of John Finn. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Horase of R esentattves of the ·ég£¤;1F*gGPf6md to United States of America in Congress assembled1TrThat the claim of com ot Claims. John Finn, of Saint Louis, Missouri, successor to the firm of John Finn and Company, for the value of twenty-four horses and sevent ·eight mules, be, and the same is hereby, referred to the Court of Claims, with jurisdiction to hear, determine, and allow thel same; and if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the said court that the said horses and mu es were duly inspected and accepted as suitable for the service for which they were intended by an officer of the United States, under the regulations, practice or custom in force in and observed by the.quartermaster’s department at Saint Louis, Missouri, in the purchase of horses and mules for the Government at the time the said claim originated, and that the said horses and mules thereby became the property of the United States, the court shall render `udgment

mmm for the agreed price of said horses and mules: Provided, That said

,,,,,,,d_ court shall hear and determine said claim, notwithstanding the bar of any statute of limitation to the contrary: And provided further, m£e¤¤¤¤¤¤v ¤·*¤·l¤¤· That all the testimony taken in Congressional case number one hun- ` dred and twenty-seven, and also in case number fifteen thousand two hundred and twenty-three, upon the subject of this claim now on nle in the office of the clerk of the Court of Claims may be used and read in evidence upon the hearing and trial of the claim herein mentioned; subject, however, to the objections of either party as to its competency, relevancy, and materiality. Approved, February 28, 1891. F¢b¤‘¤¤’.Y@JW!· CHAP. 483.-An act for the relief of John P. Downiu ,lirst‘ ____________ sub at n, M h U g paying teller in the _ Be it enacted be the Senate and House of Representatives 0 the

 United States of ii/mertca in Congress assembled, That the Secréayy

of the Treasury be, and he is herebg, directed to pay to John P. Downing, out of any moneys in the reasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one thousand three hundred and three dollars and twenty-eight cents, the said sum of money representing a loss incurred by him, without default or negligence on his part, in the Eyment o a check drawn by Major G. . oodloe. paymaster in the arine C0 , payable to the order of Major J. P. Houston, commanding Uiiited States Marines, Boston, Massachusetts, with indorsements thereon forged by a trusted subordinate at the‘Marine Barracks at said Boston; said loss having been made good to the Treasury of the United States through the assistant treasurer at Bogton by the said John P. Downing. Approved, February 28, 1891.