Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1415

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1364 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 246, 247, 253. 1891. 1 so far as they affect John Hollins McBlair; and the President can, if he so desire, in the exercise of his own discretion and gudgment, nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the enate, appoint said John Hollins McBlair, late a first lieutenant in the Fifteenth United States Infantry Re 'ment, to the same grade and rank of first lieutenant in the Army oigthe United States in the infantry service, and to place him upon the retired list of the Army as of the Yemen:. dptleof Apgil eigihth, ¢1n%hteen-Ahuniliéeld and lsixtyifour, Lvitlrlthe pay o is gra e an ran rom ri irtiet , cig teen un re an eighty-four, and with a full discharge from all liability for any sums paid to or received by him previously to said date. Received by the President February 7, 1891. [Norm BY THE DEPARTMENT or STATm.—The fore oing act having beein prieslented to lthe Presidegt olf this United Stgtes for his approval, an no aving een return im to the ouse of Con ess in which it originated within the timye prescribed by the Constithtion of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] February 5},1891. CHAP. 247.-—An act for the relief of T. A. Kendig. Be it enacted lj; the Senate and House of Re esentatryes of the T¤¤¤·1¤r•;'>é£K¤¤di:- United States of mertca in Congress assembled? That the sum of P°`m°°three thousan five hundred and thirty-eight dollars and fifty-nine · cents be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any mone in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to ay Theodore A. gendig, surviving partner of the copartnership of A. Kendig and J. C. A McM}anusf fm- one (piontlfs extra play on lrnail rouges numbered eighty- one un re an six y-six an eig t -0ne undred and sixty- seven, on which the service of carrying the mail was discontinued by order of the Postmaster—General on May thirty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, which sum of three thousand five hundred and thirty-eight dollars and fifty-nine cents was allowed for pay- ment by order of the Postmaster-General, dated the first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventymine; and that the sum so appropriated be made immediately available. Approved, February 20, 1891. February 21, 1801. CHAP. 253.-An act for the relief of John W. Blake. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the gmexwue- United States of America- in Congress assembled, That the Secretary y' ’°°'» of the Treasury be, aud is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to John W. Blake, of the city of Indianapolis, State of Indiana, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the ay and allowances of a captain of infantry in the volunteer service ilxiom the twenty-third day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to the twenty-first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, less any amounts paid him during said term, which shall be in full payment of all claims which the said John W. Blake may have against the Government of the United States for back pay. Approved, February 21, 1891.