Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/121

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. ons. 160, 161. 1890. 67 response to said public advertisement, at the time named in the advertisement, or within ten da s subsequent thereto, shall be received, opened, and considered by a commission of three (persons, c0mmissa¤¤ toc0n· who shal be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, an it shall S‘“’*°“" be the duty ot said commissioners to forward to the Secretary of - the Treasury, within forty days from the date named in the advertisement for opening the proposals, a written report, with the origi- Report, em. nal roposals, maps, and so forth, and the oaths prescribed by act onus. of Cljongress approved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and V°l·18’P¤·¥`t3· xv.276- seventy-four, and to definitely state in said report the site selected by them, and their selection of the site shall be final and each com- Fmuaewrmsnaticn. missioner shall be allowed a compensation for his services of an comuisssaouersmom. amount within the discretion of the Secretar of the Treasury, said p°"““°‘°“‘ compensation not to exceed two hundred dollars and actual travel- Erveuées. in expenses to each commissioner. So much of the appropriation herein made as may be necessary to mj(g§Q,l;,";j;Q,';b1;m· defray the expenses of advertising for proposals, compensation and ‘ ` actua traveling expenses of the commissioners, and other expenses Fm- mcmeumi site incident to the selection of the site, shall be immediately available °‘*’°"“”‘ _ So much of said appro riation as may be necessary for the prepa- Fqr pl¤}ns.<>¤¤..¤po¤ ration of sketch—plans, drawings, specifications, and detaile esti- r°°°"° ° "’°°"‘ mates for the building by the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department shall be available immediately upon the receipt of the re rt of the commissioners selecting the site. EK much of said appropriatio11 as may be necessary to make pay- Fvaggw wm: title ment for the site shallpbe available upon the receipt of the written §$iTmc¤0;*},§SSe&”i opinion of the Attorney-General in favor of the validity of title to t e site selected, and when the State of Louisiana shall have ceded to the United States jurisdiction over the site selected, during the time that the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein; or so much of said appropriation as may be necessary to ac uire title to the site by con- For acquiring ems demnation shall be immediately available; and, after the site shall by °°“d°““‘“"°“· have been paid for, and the sketch-plans and detailed estimates for the building shall have been prepared by the Supervising Architect, and approved by the Secretar o the Treasury, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Postmaster-tlleneral, the balance of said appro ria- Available balance tion shall be available for the erection and completion ofp the m bum""';' °°°‘ building, including Hre-proof vaults, heating and ventilating appa-' ratus, e evators, and approaches. The building shall e unexposed to dan er from fire by an open Open space. space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys. Approved, April 26, 1890. CHAP. 161.-An act to divide the judicial district of North Dakota. April 26,1ss0. Be it enacted by the Senate and H0u»se of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of North Dakota jud, North Dakota shall constitute one judicial district. ¢ig.,l0·fi$gl¤¢-682 Sec. 2. That for the purpose of holding terms of the district court ’p` ‘ said district shall be divided into four divisions, to be known as the y,, fom. divisions__ Southwestern, Southeastern, Northeastern, and Northwestern divisions; that rtion of the State comprising the present counties of S0,m,,,.,S,,,,,,_ Burleigh, Slzjutsman, Lo an, McIntosh, Emmons, Kidder, Foster, Wells, McLean, and all tlxe territory in said State of North Dakota lying south and west of the Missouri river shall constitute the Southwestern Division, the court for which shall be held at the city of Bismarck. That rtion of the State comprisin the present coun- g°,,q,,.mn_ ties of Cass, Richghd, Barnes, Dickey, Sargent, La Moure, Ransom,