Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1151

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1098 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 561. 1891. the Revised Statutes, be, and the same are hereby, amended, so that they shall read as follows: mm-ns. Sec. 2289. Every fperson who is the head of afamily, or who has 41f,*·u§;;mj’,‘§i wh ¥’· arrived at the age o twenty-one years, and is a citizen of the United 'States, or who has filed his declaration of intention to become such, · as required by the naturalization laws, shall be entitled to enter onequarter section, or a less quantity, of unappropriated public lands, to be located in a body in conformity to the egal subdivisions of the ublic lands- but no person who is the proprietor of more than one Maximum. hundred and sixty acres of land in anya tate or Territory, shall acquire any right under the homestead w. And every person owning and resi on land may, under the provisions of this section, ` enter other lan lying contiguous to his land, which shall not, with the land so already owned and occupied, exceed in the aggregate one hundred and sixty acres. mmm Sec. 2290. That ang person applying) to enter land under the pre- ,,E.;E3§’F‘”°°’”‘4”’ ceding section shall rst make and su scribe before the proper oin- ¤<>¤¤¤¤*•¤¤f¤·¤i<¤¤vi¤· cer and file in the proper land omce an ailidavit that he or she is the head of a family, or is over twenty-one years of age, and that such application is honestly and in good fait made for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation, and not for the benefit o any other person, persons or corporation, and that he or she will faithfu ly and onestly endeavor to comply with all the requirements of law as to settlement, residence, and cultivation necessary to acquire title to the land applied for; that he or she i not acting as agent of any person, corporation, or syndicate in making such entry, nor in collusion with any person, corporation, or syndicate to give them the benefit of the land entered, or any part thereof, or the timber thereon; that he or she does not apply to enter the same for the tpurpose of speculation, but in ood fait to obtain a home for himsel , or herself, and that he or shedias not directly_ or indirectly made, and will not make, any agreement or contract in any way or manner, with any person or persons, corporation or syndicate whatsoever, by which the title which he or she might acquire from the Government of the United States should inure, in whole or in part, to the benefit of any person, except himself, or herself, and upon filing such aiiidavit with the mmm_ register or receiver on payment o five dollars when the entry is of not more than eighty acres, and on payment of ten dollars when the entry is for more than eighty acres, e or she shall thereupon be permitted to enter the amount of land specified." Sno 6. That section twenty-three hundred and one of the Revised Statutes be amended so as to read as follows: Payments sn na- "SEc. 2301. Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to ”,}°g;_m_m P_m_ prevent any person who shall hereafter avail himself of the benefits amended.of section twenty-two hundred and eighty nine from paying the minimum price for the quantity of land so entered at any time after the expiration of fourteen calendar months from the date of such entry, and obtaining a patent therefor, upon making proof of settlement and of residence and cultivation for such period of fourteen months," and the provision of this section shall apply to lands on Sk,uRBm,m0n_ the ceded portion of the Sioux Reservation by act aplproved March v¤1.2¤,p.sss. second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, in Sout Dakota, but phall not relieve said settlers from any payments now required by aw. . C,,,.,,.,,.,,,,,, 0, ,,,8,.,, Sec. 7. That whenever it shall a pear to the Commissioner of the www- General Land Office that a clericaherror has been committed in the entry of any of the public lands such entr ma be suspended, upon proper notification to the claimant, through the local land office. until sms, etc of mm the error has been corrected; and all entries made under the preemparmusu eiiey. tion, homestead, desert-land, or timber—culture laws, in which nnal proof and payment may have been made and certificates issued, and to which there are no adverse claims originating prior to tinal entry