Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/115

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 152, 153. 1890. 61 companied by all statements, maps, plats, or documents, taken by or

subm1tted to them, in like manner as hereinbefore provided in re ard

to the proceedings of said agent of the Treas Department; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon fihldhy determine the loca- mmdemmmtiou tion of the building to be erected. The compensation of said commis- ` sioners shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, but the same oommsmmm-¤· .shall not exceed six dollars per day and actual traveling expenses: °°"“’°"“°“°“· Promded, however, That the mem er of said commission a pointed Prvyico. from the Treasury Department shall be paid only his actudl travel- T,,I‘l§”,.';°},§’,'}n,§°§ "° ing ex(penses._ No part of the sum authorized b this act shall be ' ·expen ed until a va id title to the site for said building shall be vested N·>¤¤y¤¤di¤¤·¤¤¤&i1 in the United States, nor until the State of Pennsylvania shall have Ki°.ii°i0.i:.l2¤§”° iw ·ceded to the United States exclusive yurisdiction over the same during the time the United States shall e or remain the owner thereof for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of wsa1d State and the service of civil rocess therein. The building shall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open opeuspme. .space of at least forty feet on each side, including streets and alleys. Approved, April 23, 1890. _ WCHA?. 153.-A.u act to establish three new land districts in the Territory of AD¤|¤8.1¤I0. YOIIIIDQ. - -— I W Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the "" " " United States of America in Congress assembled, That all the public m*$,{:$,“f,nd db lands in the Territory of Wyoming bounded and described as fol- gicts _¤¤¤¤b¤=¤h¤d in lows, beginning at a point on the eastern boundary of the said Ter- ¤h¤ ritory w ere the tent standard parallel north intersects the same; °“°“'*°°· - thence running west along said tenth standard parallel north to the southeast corner of township forty-one north, range seventy-five west; thence north on the line between ranges sevengy-four and seventy-five west to the northern boundaryiline of the said Territory; thence east along said northern boundary- ’ne to the northeast corner of the said Territory; thence south along the said eastern boundary- line of the said Territory to the place of beginnindg, shall constitute

4 new land district, and the land office of the said district shall be omce.

located at such place in said district as the President maty d1rect._ Sec. 2 That all the public lands of the Territory o Wyoming muuusna enmbounded and described as follows, beginning at a Ipoint on the north- °°“ ‘*“'“"°°· ern boundary of the said Territoryw ere the twe th guide meridian will, when extended, intersect with the same; thence south along said guide meridian to the eleventh standard parallel north; thence ·east along said (parallel to the eleventh auxiliary meridian; thence south along said meridian, when extended, to the seventh standard parallel north; thence west along said seventh standard parallel to the southwest corner of towns ip twenty-nme_ north, range one hundred and four west, of the sixth plrincipal meridian; thence north along said line between ranges one undred and four and one hundred and five west to the nint standard parallel north, when extended; thence along said parallel, when extended, to the western boundary of the said erritory; thence north along said western boundary to the northern boundary of the said Territory; thence east_along said northern boundary to the place of beginning, shall constitute a new land district, and the land office of the said district shall be located omee. rat such place in the said district as the President may direct. _ - Sec. 3. That all the public lands in the Territory of Wyoming rmmusssocanuim bounded and described as follows, bexnmng at a point on the eastern m°°’ boundary of the said Territory where etenth standard (parallel north intersects the same; thence runmng west along the said tenth stand- .ard parallel north to the eleventh auxiliary meridian; thence south along said meridian when extended, to the seventh standardparallel