Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1116

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 546. 1891. 1063 since July; eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and prior to March sixth, e1g teen hundred and eighty-three, and credit the same with all such disbursements and expenditures made in good faith and heretofore suspended or disallowed in settlement of the same, wherein 1t shall satisfactorily appear that the money was paid to the employees of the District paior to their discharge, or for goods sold and elivered, work and la r done, materials furnished or services rendered to the District in accordance with contracts and agreements made in good faith on behalf of the District, and also to adjust and settle equitably said accounts, allowing all payments made in settlement of claims against the District, and or expenses incurred in good faith on account of the District: Andnlpmvided further, That mximumuxewmee. he sum total of the accounts so allowed sh not exceed in amount - tweniiy thousand dollars, and that the Commissioners of the District of Co umbia shall report to the next Congress the amounts so al- Reportlowed, on what account. and to whom. ` CONTINGENT EXPENSES. For contingent expenses of the government of the District of Col- Gontinsentexpemes. umbia, name y: For printing, check , books, stationery, detection of frauds on the revenue, repairs of market houses, painting, binding, rebinding, repairing and reservation of records, ks and repairs of books for register of wills, maintaining and keeping in good order the laboratory and apparatus in the offices of the inspector of gas and meters and inspector of asphalt and cement, damages, care o horses not otherwise provided for, horseshoeing, fuel, ice, gas, repairs, insurance, re airs to pound and vehicles, and other general necessarx expenses ofp District offices, including the sinking- und office, healt A department, and police court, twenty-four thousand dollars; and the Commissioners shall so apportion this sum asto prevent a deficiency Appaummmt therein. · For contingent expenses of stables of the Engineer Department, nngmee- usps". including forage, livery of horses, shoeing, purchase and repair of ““*”” '°°”'°°~ °'*°· vehicles, urchase and relpair of harness, b ankets, lap robes, purchase of horses, whi s, oi , brushes, combs, sponges, chamois skins, buckets, halters, jacks, rubber boots and coats, medicines, and other necessary articles and expenses, six thousand dollars; and no ex- Expenditure limited. penditure on account of the Engineer Department for the items named in this ragraph shall be made from any other fund. For rent of District offices, three thousand six hundred dollars. xm. For general advertising, three thousand dollars. oeummnmsmg. For advertising notice of taxes in arrear July first, eighteen hun- muse ot mx-an dred and ninety, as required to be given by act of March nineteenth, mj:,, P M e` hteen hundred and ninety, five thousand five hundred dollars. ’ ` l$l‘o enable the register of wills to complete the reproduction of the R,,,,,,,, 0, ,.ms_ old administration and glulardian dockets prior to eighteen hundred d R¤pr<··¤·:¤¤<>n¤r¤ld and seventylnine, inclug clerical service and purchase of books, ° °‘ one thousand dotllariii h H _ t th The re ister o wi s s a prepare papers m connec ion wi ap- . _ intmexgt of guardians to enable indigent boys to enlist in the United gelriillllttgilitsglyllm gtates Navy as provided by law, without makingany charge therefor, Nocmwfmmm Fon Assnssoivs Omucm: For one assessor, three thousand dollars; mmm umm two assistant assessors, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one ` s ecial assessment clerk, one thousand seven hundred dollars; one clerk at one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk and drau htsman, at one thousand two hundred dollars; three clerks, at one grousand dollars each; one clerk, in charge of records, one thousand dollars; one license clerk, one thousan two hundred dollars; one in-

pector of licenses, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant

or clerk, nine hundred dollars; one clerk and messenger, nine hundred dollars; in all eighteen thousand five hundred dollars.