Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1108

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 545. 1892. 1055 _ For rent of legation buildings in Tokio, J a , for the ear endinglMarch fifteenth, eighteen hundred and nineltyitwo, four thousand dollars. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES FOREIGN INTERCOURSE. _ Annual proportion of theexpenses of Ca S artel and Tan ier light on the coast of Morocco, including ldfs SQ exchange, thgree Txm md hundred and twenty_-five dollars. - Actual expenses incurred in obtaining the extradition of and Brmgnxhomv mrbrxnging home from foreign countries persons charged with crime, '§.*§,,Y "‘°° "M to be disbursed lgmthe Secretary of State, five thousand dollars. To enable the _ retary of State to comply with the requirements mm-semen ¤:· of the_fourth section of "An act regulatin fees and the practice in P°“‘°'* extradition cases,”_approved August third, eighteen hundred and V¤1.¤.p.¤16. gighty-two, to be disbursed by the Secretary of State, five thousand o ars. For expenses which may be incurred in the acknowledgment of meumgmumethe services of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing “*'*'~ American seamen or citizens from shipwreck, four thousand tive hundred dollars. To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of mpm¤,¤e¤¤•u:y the neutrality act, to be expended under the direction of the Presi- ‘°‘· dent, pursuant to the re uirements of section two hundred and 1r.s..m.m,p.u. ninety-one-of the Statutes, fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. To enable the President to meet unforeseen emergencies arising in Unfmunen emorthe diplomatic and consular service, and to extend the commercial mw and other interests of the United States, to be expended pursuant to the r uirements of section two hundred and ninet -one of the R-.S.,|ec.291»P·49. Revisedubtatutes, eighty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as méy be necessary. _ or the {payment, under the provisions of section seventeen hun- Payment must-ser dred and orty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, of 2§,‘,§'}.‘,,“,§?,,§’,§°§,'}“{,,',}‘g,' the widows or heirs at law of diplomatic or consular officers of the R S-ism 1749. 1>-811· United States dying in foreign countries in the discharge of their du;‘ies,diiy:;thousaipd dollars. f t rt th f d 1 or etheex enses o rans ing e remains o ip o- Remains or mmsmatic and cbhlggilar ofligers, and consrsgr clerks of the United States t°"‘ °°“““1“’ °°°‘ who ma have died, or may die, abroad, while in the discharge of their odicial duties, to their former homes in this country, and for the ordinary and necessary expenses of such interment, ten thou- · sand dollars. Contribution to the maintenance of the International Bureau of Ingmnznouannumau Weights and Measures for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen {’,{.,,,_°*"°‘“ ‘*“° M"" hundred and ninety-two, in conformity with the terms of the convention of May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, V0l.2},p.7I4. the same, or so much thereof as may be necessag, to be paid, under the direction of the Secretary of State, to said ureau on its certifigagcie of apportionment, two thousand two hundred and seventy 0 ars. For salary and expenses of a commercial agent at Boma, in the Bg¤m¤:mC%~M¤:.:c¤¤¤¤ Lower Congo Basin, with authority to visit and report upon the ’ °g°° commercial resources of the Upper and Lower Congo Basin, their products, their minerals, their vegetable wealth, the openings for American trade, and to collect such information on the subject to that country as shall be thought of interest to the United States, five thousand dollars. c0NTIi~IEN'1‘AL RAILWAY SURVEY. Smcgzpmeummnnj For payment of the share of the United States of the exlpense of a mmnm survey. reliminary survey for a continental railway recommen ed by the l)nternational American Conference, sixty-five thousand dollars.