Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1088

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rirrv-Fmsir conennss. sms. 11. ca. ae. 1891. 1035 Anricrn VIII. mmm. Hereafter no subsistence shall be furnished any adult male Indian subsistence. ifthe aged, sick, and innrm excepted) who does not endeavor by honest " abor to support himself, nor to children between the ages of eight and fifteen years (the sick and infirm excepted), unless such children shall regularly attend school. Anrrcnm IX. umm ix. The outboundaries of the diminished reservation shall be survetyed dgmvy of boundaand marked in a plain and substantial manner, the cost thereo to be paid out of the t annual installment provided for in Article II of this agreement. Anrronn X. Aww X. This agreement shall not be binding on either party until ratified Effect by Cetipigress. Da and signed in open council at Fort Berthold Agency in the Territory of Dakota, December fourteenth, eighteen un red and eighty-six;” _ _ Be, and the same is hereby, accepted, ratified, and confirmed except ummm as to article six thereof, which is modified and changed on the part moameamm of An of the United States so as to read as follows: “That the residue of **°_jjI§}p mm lands within said diminished reservation, after all allotments have' been made as provided in article three of this agreement, shall be I to be h S1 d held by the said tribes of Indians as a reservation;" and as so mod- “m¤ma0.._ ified said agreement is accepted and confirmed: Provided, That this *"°”"°· act shall take effect only upon the acceptance of the modification and changes made by the United States as to article six of the said Aceeptmceotmodiagreement by the said tribes of Indians in manner and form as said ”°°“°“· agreement was assented to, which said accalptance and consent shall be made known by proclamation by the resident of the United States upon satisfactor proof presented to him that the said accept- _ ance and consent have bbeen obtained in such manner and form. Sec. 24. That for the purppse of carrying out the terms of said rim mstaumem. agreement the sum of eighty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be immediately available. Sec. 25. That whenever any of the lands acquired by this agree- mus coded m be ment hereby ratified and confirmed shall, bg operation of law cr 2§’,?‘$§1’,’f°“‘“'°““ °“' proclamation of the President of the United tates, be open to settlement, the shall be disposed of to actual settlers only under the revisions of the homestead laws, except Section twenty-three hun- R_S__S,,c_m,_p_m_ dred and one of the Revised Statutes of the United States, which shall not apply: Prmzided, however, That each settler on said lands mmm. shall, before makin final proof and receiving a certificate of entry pay to the United §tates for the land so taken by him, in addition nuumowpaymeut. to the fees provided by law, and within five years from the date of · the first original entry the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each acre thereof, one—half of which shall be paid within two ears; but the rights of honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors as de- serum am mum-s. fined and described in sections twenty-three hundred and four and n.s.,se¤s.2s04,2:—wa, twenty-three hundred and five of the Revised Statutes shall not be v-M abridged except as to the sum to be paid as aforesaid. Sm, 26, That the following agreement entered into on behalf of Ammeut Wm, the United States by Eliphalet hittlesey, D. W. Diggs, and Charles §_fj;¤g{gl¤;xe·;gi&'Zs¤*;g•; A. Maxwell, commissioners on the part of the United States, on the nec. twelfth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. with ' the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians now on file in the Department of the Interior, signed by said commissioners for the United States, and for said Indians by Simon