Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/104

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5(g. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 73, 74. 1890. Avril 9. 1990- actto continue the publication of the Supplement to the Re- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

m ne United States of America in Congress assembled, That the ppblica-

To mumm$p¤,,,,_ tion of the Supplement to the Statutes, embracing the stat- <»¤¤¤ of- utes general an ermanent in the1r nature, passed after the Revised Statutes, with retldrences connecting provisions on the same subject, ex lanatory notes, and citations of judicial decisions, be continued mm mums. and issued in one volume, to include the general laws of the Forty- °°""°““‘* seventh, Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, and Fifty-first Con- 1 gresses, with a table of alterations and a general index to the whole, `gyglwplomegdgmm to be prepared and edited by the editor o the existing Supplement, ‘ ·"‘ ‘ authorized by the Joint reso ution of June Twenty-eighth, eighteen r.s.,sup.,_p.¤s2. hundred and eightly, numbered forty-four (Suptplement to Revised am. €f€”`§°,§ss£“€i»$f.§· ““SE‘S ““Zr2§}€££`*`Z§2é2€ i’JZZZ’23tlT.Ei-°$.“f’»£L° v n m e, u , - ticable, with such alterations as may bb) foundpnecessary, the work mnemm. and plates and all right and title therein and thereto to be in and fully beloxaglgo the Government for its exclusive use and benefit. Number ogg, Sec. 2. t a sufficient number of copies be printed andbound for °“*·’°"‘”'“" distribution and to be distributed to members of Congress for them- » selves, and for distribution by them, to the departments, libraries, public officers, and others, the same number to each as heretofore provided by Congress for the distribution of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and the same number to the editor as to a member uaniuunncwtes. of Congress and such additionalcopies on the order of the Secretary 0f Statues may be necessaryfrom t1me_to time to supply deficiencies. mmm. and dmces newly created, and for keeping for sale in the same manner and like terms as the Statutes are required to be kept for c¤¤»p¤•¤¤¤. sa1e._ For preggtng and editing said Suglemm, inc1uda§.t·lie leg- . islation of the Congress, and clerical work necessaryto comp ete the same, there be paid to said . editor the sum of six thousand dollars. ‘ ’1'¤“ M Wim ¤¤*¤ Sec. 3. That the publication herein authorized shall be taken to be prima facie evidence of the laws therein contained, butshall not change nor alter an existing law, nor preclude reference to nor con- {robin case of any discrepancy, the eifect of any original act passed y ongress. Approved, April 9, 1890. Aprnmimo. CHAP. 'l4.——An act authorizin the construction of a free bridge across the '*_"*—··—···· Arkansas River, connecting Little Rock and Argenta, Arkansas. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 1>¤1.¤uo¤¤¤:y,.uk., United States of America in Congress assembled, That 1t_sha1l be §${,‘§mf,Y{;},Y'{,‘},c",§“ lawful for the county of Pulaski, tate of Arkansas, to build a_ free mf, *m¤·%w¤, foot, wagon, and street-railway bridge across the Arkansas ·R1VOP, a-nge "Y at the city of Little Rock, in Arkansas ; and in case of any litigation L*’°““°“· arising from an obstruction or alleged obstruction to the free navi- Lntigatiou. . . . . . gation of said river by reason of the construction of said bridge, the cause may be tried before the district court of the United States having_ jurisdiction over that portion of the State of Arkansas where said bridge shall be located. _ _ _ _ ‘ 1>r¤w·¤>rids¤. Sec. 2. That if any,br1dge built under the prov1sions of this act shall be constructed as a draw-bridge, the same shall be constructed rxvemmw. as a pivot draw-bridge, with a draw over the main channel of the Sum river, at an accessib e and navigable point, and with the spans of not less than one hundred and sixty feet in length in the clear, on each side of the central or ivot pier of the raw; and the next adjoining spans to the draw 5ml] not be less than two hundred and fifty feet; and said span shall not be less than twenty feet above