Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/960

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 410. 1889. 915 at R and Fourth streets, and to make the necessary connections and { to provide the necessary apparatus for thereby specially supplying the present deficiencies of water at the higher levels of the city, and in general to increase the Water supply, five hundred and seventy- five thousand dollars. The said work shall be done under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, in the shortest practicable time. lf it shall appear to the Secretary of \Var, on the report of the Chief of Engineers, that for any cause the work can not be carried on, or material therefor can not be obtained as rapidly as is necessary for the best and most vigorous prosecution of it, he is authorized to provide material by purchase in open market or by s ecial contract for the May be by special fabrication thereof, and to carry on the work ty days’ work or other- °°““"“’°"· °*°· wise, as it may seem to him expedient. This appropriation shall be charged against the revenues applicable to the expenses of carrying on the government of the District of Columbia, so that one-half will be paid from the Treasury of the United States and the other half from moneys derived from taxation in the District. MILITARY Es·rAm.1s1-mmxr. m§mi¤¤¤* ¤¤¢¤b¤¤h· nt. Pay of the Army: For pay of enlisted men, two hundred and PEK; 1 twenty thousand dollars; service pay of enlisted men, thirty-four m°°’°t°' thousand dollars; pay of hospital cor s, fifteen thousand dollars; for allowances for travel, retained ay, clothing not drawn, and interest on deposits, eighty-six thousand) eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars: in all, three hundred and fifty-five thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars. BARRACKS AND QUARTERS: For barracks and quarters for troops, · Barracks and quarstore-houses for the safe—kee ing of military stores, for officers, and tm' for the hire of buildin s and of grounds for summer cantonments, and for temporary buildings at frontier stations, for the construction of temporar buildings and stables and for repairing public buildings at established posts: Provided, That no expenditure ex- Promo, ceeding five hundred dollars shall be made upon any building or MEQQQ 3;:,:7* °" military post, or grounds about the same, wit out the approval of the Secretary of War for the same, upon detailed estimates by the Quartermasteifs Department; and the erection, construction, and repair of all buildings and other public structures in the Quartermaster’s Department, shall, as far as may be practicable, be made by contract after due legal advertisement, and no part of any of the moneys so approfpiriated shall be paid for commutation of fuel and for quarters to officers or enlisted men. fifty-five thousand dollars. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF HOSPITALS: For completion of {lot $pri¤s3¤. §rk. Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs. Arkansas: Eby- steam- H;Q§;,’f§,;_“° My heating of the administration building and two wards, including a new boiler and the necessary connecting pipes, and enlargement of boiler house, five thousand c ollars. For completing the work of improvement of the grounds, including gradin r and securing blanks and slopes against. damage from rain-fall, Idanting trees and grass, two thousand five hundred dollars. For repair of three reservoirs, one for hot water and two for cooling xurposes, total capacity, twenty thousand five hundred gallons, tive liundred dollars. For adjustable ceiling for bathing rooms in bath—house, necessary for the proper heating of the rooms in cold weather, four hundred and ninety dollars _ _ NATIONAL Cmnarnnv, ANTIETAM, LIARYLANDZ To complete the mglggtrgé ¤****°¤¤* construction of a macadam road from Antietam Station to the Antietam (Maryland) National Cemetery, ten thousand dollars.