Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/950

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. — Sess. 11. on. 400, 410. 1880. 905 companies and the United States shall have the right of way across rosm telegraph. said bridge and 1lS approaches for postal telegraph purposes. Sec. 3. That all railroad companies desiring the use of said bridges USG by ether com shall have and be entitled to equal rights and rivileges relative to Pm9s' the passage of railway trains over the same, andp over the approaches thereto, upon the payment of a reasonable compensation for such use; C<>¤¤r>•¤¤S¤¢i¤¤· and in case the owner or owners of said bridges and the several railroad companies, or any of them desiring such use, shall fail to agree upon the sum or sums to be paid, and u on rules and conditions to which each shall conform in using said Ibridges, all matters at issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of War upon a hear- Decision by sccm. ing of the allegations and proofs of the p31'l3lGS. °‘""°f W" Sec. 4. That any bridges authorized to be constructed under this Secretary or War to act shall be built and located under and subject to such regulations “*’*"°'° p*“"’*~ °“°· for the security of the navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, and to secure that object the said company or ` corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examina- _ tion and approval, a design and drawing of the bridges and a ma of the location thereof, and until the said plan and location of the bridges are approved by the Secretary of War the bridges shall not be commenced or bui t; and should any changes be made in the plan of said bridges during the progress of construction such changes shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, and all changes in said bridges required by the Secretary of War at any time or their entire removal shall be at the expense of the corporations or persons owning or operating said bridges. _ Sec. 5. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby mnommonc. ex ressly reserved. ` §EC. 6. That this act shall be null and void if actual construction Commencement and of the bridges herein authorized are not commenced within one year °°"‘P‘°'*°’*· and completed within three years from the date thereof. ' Approved, March 2, 1889. CHAP. 410.-An act making appropriations to supply deiiciencies in the appro- Maron 2, 18190. priations for the fiscal year endingl June thirlieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- rir 2; nine, and for prior years and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Ilouse of Represenfafires of f/ce United States of America in Congress assengblecl, That the following £~;f:$;¤<·f•¤¤ appro sums be, and the same are hereby, appropmated. out of any money P ‘ in the Treasury not otherwise a propriated. to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the f1scalpyear eighteen hundred and eighty- nine; and for prior years, a11d .fO1‘ other objects hereinafter stated, namely: STATE DEPARTMENT. _ $=¤=¤1>¤r>¤¤¤¤¤¤¢- ASCERTAINMENT OF ELECTORAL Vorrzc To fpay the expenses of running electoral priming, in compliance with the requirements o the act of _ ebruary "°$$,l_£,_,,p_m_ third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, the certified copies or the · final ascertainment of the electors for President and Vice-President, as transmitted by the executive of each State to the Secretary of State, one thousand three hundred and nfty-three dollars and ten ' Cel?. F · T the ex enses of s ecial M¤¤#¤¤»·=<·=f~·¤¤r¤- LEC’roRAL vorn OF LORIDA. o pay pp dnlwom vom messen er sent to Florida for the electoral vote of that State. as au- R.S..svc.14!,p.23. thorized by section one hundred and forty-one of the Revised Statutes A’*'*· P- m- of the United States as amended by the act approved October nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, two hundred and eleven dollars and seventy-five cents