Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/943

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898 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 405. 1889. by a removal therefrom, to be appraised, and upon the payment of the sum so determined, within six months after notice thereof the city to which the island is herein donated to such Indian, sa1 Indian shall be required to remove from said island, and shall be entitled to select instead of such location his allotment according to the provisions of this act upon any of the reservations herein established, or upon any land opened to settlement by this act not already . located upon. · _ _ Disnosiwqn or mi Sec. 22. That all money accruing from the disposal of lands in °°“° °f s°'°“‘ conformity with this act shall 'be paid into' the Treasury of the United States and be applied solely as follows: First, to the reimbursement of the United States for all necessary actual expenditures contemplated and provided for under the provisions of this act, and the creation of the permanent fund hereinbefore provided; · and after such reimbursement to the increase of said permanent fund for the purposes hereinbefore provided.· gm #$3; Sec. 23. hat all persons who, between the twenty-seventh day of nemvaueus may ie. February, eighteen undred and eighty-five, and the seventeenth day' °“°°" °""“""* of April, ei diteen hundred and eighty-five, in good faith, entered upon or made settlements with intent o enter the same under the homestead or pre-emption laws of the United States upon any part of the Great Sioux Reservation lying east of the Missouri River, and lmown as the Crow Creek and innebago Reservation, which, by the Presidents proclamation of date- February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and eightydive, was declared to be o en to settlement, and not included in the new reservation established by section six of Am. v- asn. this act, and who, being otherwise le ally entitled to make such entries, located or attempted to locate thereon homestead, pre-eruption, or town site claims, by actual settlement and imtprovement o any portion of such lands, shall, for a period of ninety ays after the procamation of the President required to be made by this act, have a right to re—enter upon said claims and procure title thereto under the homestead or pre—em tion laws of the United States, and complete the same as required) therein, and their said claims shall, for such time, have a preference over later entries; and when they shall have in other respects shown themselves entitled and shall have complied with the law regulating such entries, and, as to homesteads, with the special provisions of this act, they shall be entitled to have said P;_hé¢_;·;i,°¤”Vhm lands, and patents therefor shall he issued as in like cases: Provided, 'That pre-emption claimants shall reside on their lands the same length of time before procuring title as homestead claimants under this act. The price to be paid for town—site entries shall be such as is required by aw in other cases, and shall be paid into the general fund provided for by this act. “°*‘°°"“"’· Sec. 24. That sections sixteen and thirty-six of each township of the lands open to settlement under the provisions of this act, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, are hereby reserved for the use and benefit Vol. 12. p. za. of the public schools, as provided by the act organizing the Territor of Dakota; and whether surveyed or unsurveyed said sections shall _ not be subject to claim, settlement, or entry under the provision of gg1g, M__ this act or any of the land laws of the United States: Provided, however, That the United States shall pay to said Indians, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for all lands reserved under the _ provisions of this section. ,,,$,*§;",‘}_*,;‘f‘°‘*°“ '°’ Sec. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be applied and used towards surveying the lands herein described as bein opened for settlement, said sum to be immediately available; which sum no? he deducted from the proceeds of lands disposed of un er t is ac .