Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/884

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 373. 1889. 839 Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress for distribution among their constituents; and the person receiving such seeds shall inform the Department of results of the experiments therewith: Provzded, That all seeds, plants, and cuttings herein allotted to Sen- Prorisos. ators, Depresentatives, and Dele ates to Congress for distribution seeds umauea mr. remaining uncalled for at the end; of the fiscal year shall be distrib- · uted by the Secretary of Agriculture: And provided also, That the Secretary shall report, as provided in this act, the place, quantity, and price of seeds purchased, and the date of purchase. But nothing in Purchases. this paragraph shall be construed to prevent the Secretary of Agri- ‘ culture from sending flower, garden, and other seeds to those who apply for the same. And the amount herein appropriated shall not be diverted or used for any other purpose but for the urchase, propagation, and distribution of improved and valuablb seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants: But provided, however, That the Secretary shall not distribute to any Senator, Representa- nmmnmmn to be tive, or Delegate seeds entirely unfit for the climate and locality he mmm *°l°°“m’· represents, but shall distribute the same so that each member may have seeds of equal value, as maybe, and the best adapted to the locality he represents. Printing seed-pockets, labels, postal-cards, circulars, and so forth, Printinz. ewlabor, paper, ink, type, and other necessary material for printing, and for repairing presses, four thousand two hundred dollars. Collecting agricultural statistics, division of agricultural statistics; smusmu division For collecting domestic and foreign agricultural statistics; for expenses of local investigations an compilations, and for necessary traveling expenses; for statistical ipublications furnishing data for permanent com arative records; or compiling, writing, and illustrating statistical matter for monthly, annual, and special reports, and for the necessary expenses of the same,. including paper and envelppes, postal-cards and postage-stamps, seventy-five thousand dollars: ovzded, That ten thousand dollars of this sum, or so much thereof massa. e as may be necessary, may be expended for the preparation and printing of ma s and charts, illustrating the progress of rural roduction cmp ohms. em. and crop distribution of the United States, and for s ecialpinvestigation of the agricultural statistics of the States and 'llerritories of the Rocky Mountain region, with traveling and other necessary expenses connected therewith. Furniture, cases, and repairs; For repairing buildings, heating ru;¤a¤um.¤uses,¤¤a apparatus, furniture, carpeting, matting, water_and gas pipes, new "P“‘”· furniture, and all necessary material and labor for the same. including lumber, hardware, glass, and paints, seven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. Library; For entomological, botanical, and historical works of ¤‘>¤¤W· reference, works on chemistry. forestry, mineralogy. maps. charts. current agricultural works for library, miscellaneous agricultural periodicals, and the completion of imperfect 'series, two thousand dollars. Salaries and expenses Bureau of Animal Industry: For carrying niimu of Animal out the wovisions of the act of May twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred I“€}}ffQ;; 1,3, and eighty-four, establishing the Bureau of Animal Industry, five hundred thousand dollars; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to use any part of this sum he may deem necessary or expedient. and in such manner as he may think best, to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneuxnonia, and for this purpose to employ as many persons as he may deem necessary, and to expend any part of this sum in the purchase and destruction of diseased or exposed animals and the quarantine of the same whenever in his judgment it is essential to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonia from one State into another; Provided. That fifteen thousand dollars. or so much thereof P»·m·i»·>. as may be necessary, may be expended in continuation of the in- lpmmgmonosneg vestigations and experiments, to be conducted within the United ° °‘"“·