Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/808

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FIFTIETH coxeenss. sms. II. on. sw. msi. 763 ` of the Superintendent of Census; Provided, That, in the aggregate, homo. no su(perv1sor_shall be pa1d less than the sum of five hundred dollars. M”“”“"“ PW The esignation of the compensation per provided in this section, shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior at least one month in advance of the date for the commencement of the enumera ion. . Sec. 7. That all mail matter of whatever class, relative to the census Mei! to be Sent free. and addressed to the Census Office, to the Superintendent of Census, his chief clerk, supervisors or enumerators; and indorsed “Official business, Department of the Interior, Census OiTice," shall be transported free of postage; and if any person shall make use of any P<*¤¤l*>’ ¤¤¤¤¤P¤· such indorsement to avoid the·payment of postage on his private letter, package, or other matter in the mail, the person so offending shal be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of . threedhpndred dollars, to be prosecuted in any court of competent ]HI‘1S 1C ion. Sec. 8. No enumerator shall be deemed qualified to enter upon his E;‘,‘I§§‘§,§‘,§§§,’j duties until he has received from the supervisor of census of the district to which he belongs a commission, under his hand, authorizing him to perform the duties of an enumerator, and setting forth the boundaries of the subdivision within which such duties are to be performed by him. He shall, moreover, take and subscribe the folowing oath or affirmation: ‘ . " I, ———— l-—, an enumerator for taking the —— census of the 0***- United States, do solemnly swear (or aiiirm) that I will make a true and exact enumeration of all the inhabitants within the subdivision assigned to me, and will also faithfully collect all other statistics therein, as provided for in the act for taking the ——— census, and in conformity with all lawful instructions which I may receive, and will make due and correct returns thereof as required by said act, and will not disclose any information containeduin the schedules, lists, or statements obtained by me to any person or persons, except to my supfrior officers. (Si ne ——— —" Whicéigh said oath or aifirmation may be administered by any judge or clerk of a court of record. or any justice of the peace, or notary public empowered to administer oaths; which oath, duly authenticated, shall be forwarded to the supervisor of census before the date nxed herein for the commencement of the enumeration. _ Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of each enumerator, after being quali- ,01,2;**** °* °““’“°"“‘ fied in the manner aforesaid, to visit personally each dwelling-house in his subdivision, and each family therein, and each individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of the head of such family, or of the member thereof deemed most credible and worthy of trust, or of such individual living out of a family. to obtain each and every item of information and all the particulars required by this act, as of date June first, eighteen hundred and ninety. And in case no person shall be found at the usual place of abode of such family or individual living out of a family competent to answer the inquiries made in compliance with the requirements of this act. then it shall be lawful for the enumerator to obtain the rer uired information, as nearly as may be practicable, from the family or families, or person or persons, iving nearest to _ such wlace of abode. The Superintendent of Census may employ m§ig;¤sm€*¤*¤°¤ of special agents or other means to make an enumeration of all Indians ` living within the jurisdiction of the United States, withsurh information as to their condition as may be obtainable, classifying them as to Indians taxed, and Indians not taxed. SEO. 10. And it shall he the duty of each enumerator to forward Schedules the original schedules, duly certified, to the supervisor of census of his district, as his returns under the provisions of tlns act.