Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/658

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612 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1214, 1215. 1888. rem-mneue. T0 Peter La Belle, dated February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and described as follows, namely: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section one, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section ten, and the northwest quarter of the northeast nkuarter of section fifteen, in township one hundred and twenty eig t north, of range fifty-four west of the fifth principal meridian in Dakota Territory, containing one hundred and sixty acres. _ The same having been surrendered to the United States by the Indians named, who have respectively indorsed thereon their relinuishment of all their right, title, and interest in and to said lands, for the urpose of receiving allotments on said Sisseton and Wahvo1.24,p.8S8. peton Igeservation, Dakota, under the act of February eighth, ,_mA£>¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f other eighteen hundred and eighty,-seven, and to allot and patent to said Indians, under the act of ebruary eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, such lands as they would be thereby entitled to had no previous patents to them severally been made. ,,,{“““,},‘,§,‘g‘“{,§‘j,",?§j Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his wai: euotmmm in discretion, and whenever for good and sufficient reason he shall con- ""’*""“”'· sider it to be for the best interest of the Indians, in making allotments under the statute aforesaid, to ermit any Indian to whom a patent has been issued for land on the reservation to which such ndian belongs, under treaty or existing law, to surrender such patent with formal relinquishment by suc Indian to the United States of all his or her right, title, and interest in the land conveyed thereby, properly indorsed thereon, and to cancel such surrendered patent: novae. Provided, That the Indian so surrendering the same shall make a h,,S§i°“‘°“ °‘ °"‘°' selection, in lieu thereof, of other land and receive patent therefor, WM4. r. 388. under the provisions of the act of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. Approved, October 19, 1888. October 10, iw. CHAI?. 1215.-An act to provide for the disposal of the Fort Wallace military ·········;····· reservation in Kansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the rpm; Wallace new- United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the “‘,{.‘g’{;,§'gf· northwest quarter of section nineteen, township thirteen south, range thirty-eight west, and of the northeast quarter of section twenty- four, township thirteen south, range thirty-nine west, and the east half of the east half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-four, townshi I thirteen south, ran ethirty-nine west, included within the Exceptions. limits oi) the Fort Wallacei lteservation, excluding and excepting _mg¤: or way co therefrom the right of way heretofore granted to the `Union Pacino t,§‘,",],‘},l§‘§i°°R‘l'"°° Railroad Company and excepting so much of the northeast quarter of section twenty-four, township thirteen south, range thirty-nine west, as may be convetyed to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, _ under the provisions o section two of this act, be, and is hereby, set apart for town-site purposes. and may be entered by the corporate authorities of the city of Wallace under and subject to the provisions R. p.437. and restrictions of section twenty-three hundred and eighty-seven of ””§ R“"“°fiSl“i“"% r t R i ad e Pr¤·fg·¤·¤1¤¤¤¤U¤i<>§ mc. 2. ia t ie nion aci c ai ro om an is hereb anted r·li:c¤iiiY4ili»ii1)é°1iid¤u(;`) el:- the lpreference right. for the period of three mdhthss after thi; blassage °°P**‘* by ‘ *“*· of this act, to purchase such portion of the northeast quarter of section twenty-fonr, township thirteen south, range thirty-nine west, as · may embrace the improvements thereon of said com any, and as may be necessary in the judgment of the Secretary oi) the Interior for the purposes of said company. All said lands to lie west of the east line of township thirteen south, range thirty-nine west, and to