Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/655

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1211, 1212. 1888. 609 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the . United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and néeliipulggngiiiiiuotiigig hereby is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- i" C"°'°k°“ N"‘°”· wise appropriated, the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions of this act; and the amount actually expended shall be charged against the Cherokee Nation, on account of its lands west of the Arkansas River, and shall be a lien on said lands, and which shall be deducted _ _ _ from any payment hereafter made 011 account of said lands. The D“°"b"°`°“ said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be by the Secretary of the Interior distributed per capita, iirst, among such freedmen and their descendants as are mentioned in the ninth arti- Fr<->·><1m¤¤,e¤¤. cle of the treat of July nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixt —six, between the Uynited States and the Cherokee Nation of Indians; second, among the Delaware tribe of Indians incorporated into the D¤l¤w¤r¢·»¤~ Cherokee Nation b the terms of a certain agreement entered into · between said Cherokee Nation and Delaware Indians, under the provisions of the fifteenth article 'of the aforesaid treaty, on the eighth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixt -seven, and approved, re- · spectively, by the President of the United States and the Secretary of the Interior on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; aud, third, among the Shawnee tribe of Indians incor- $¤¤w¤¤¢¤— porated into the Cherokee Nation b the terms of a certain agreement entered into between the said Cherokee Nation and Shawnee Indians, under the provisions of the aforesaid article and treat , on the seventh day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and aipproved, respectively, by the President of the United States and the ecretary o the Interior on the ninth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. in such manner and in such amount or amounts as will §ualize the per capita payment made to Cherokees by blood in acco ance with the act of the Cherokee legislature aforesaid, out of the sum of three hundred thousand dollars appropriated by the act of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, aforesaid. VOL 2% P- 624- Approved, October 19, 1888. CHAP. 1212.-An act granting the right of way for the construction of a 0ct0b¢r19.18¤·3. railroad through the Hot Springs Reservation, State of Arkansas. "”_°"""""_" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re Jresentatives of the United States of America in C'ongress assembled. That the right of wQ**g{_Q{f***Q;*;L§$;}i way is hereby granted to the Mountain View Railway Company, of mzlic or rhmuzh Hot Springs, Arkansas, incorporated under the laws of the State of §{§§_§{’,}§{‘g“ R““°"°" Arkansas, beginning at such point east of the line of the bath-houses, between the Army and Navy Hospital and the Arlington Hotel as the Secretary of the Interior may approve. thence by the most eligible route to the east line of Hot S rings Mountain. thence westerly down North Mountain and West lllountain to the west line of rese1·- vation. Sec. 2. That the right of way hereby granted shall not exceed ,_,m,mu thirty feet in width. and no part of the rig t of way herein granted bwbsrrucwd. shall in an way interfere with or obstruct the full How of the hot waters. or he so located as to cause the United States Government. or any citizen thereof. any expense of any} kind or character, save and except the rojectors of said road, its eirs and assigns. Sec. 3. 'Ilhat it shall be the duty of the United States Governments _N¤¤;<;1:¤¤¤rfer¤vvi¤l Superintendent of the.I-Iot Springs Reservation to see that said rail- p‘°°* ‘ way, to he constructed under this act. shall not obstruct or in any manner interfere with the springs. hot-water pipes, roads or paths now existing or contemplated to be located upon said reservation, but STAT L—VOL XXV-—-39