Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/64

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18 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4. 1888. durlgig this Forty-segenth Congress, one hundred and twenty—0ne d a t - . K'"? 1****- 0Tor;ayuHd1(i1Y;IlT)dal`th§d]iEiamnce between the pay of a laborerand Nunn the pay of a messenger during the two sessions of the Forty-nmth Congress, four hundred and fifty-one dollars and seventy cents.

· To pay O. O. Stealeyhclerk to the Speaker, at the rate of one thousand six hundred do rs per annum, from July first to December

first, eighteen hundred an eighty-seven, six hundred and sixty-six d ll . ¤•¤¤i¢•g=·i¤l¤¤d¤¤- 0T2i-pay Maurice Ruddlesden the diiference between the Haylof a mw °` laborer, at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum, an t at of a messenger, at the rate of three dollars and sixty cents per day, from July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six to une tlnrtieth, 01 ht- " een hundred and eighty-seven, Eve undred and eighty-three dollars and forty cents. ¤¤¤•¤’¤¤¤¤*C M P¤¤*· GOVERNMENT PRINTING ormcn. ,,{’• P'•7‘°""""‘ That the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appro riated to pay twenty-five per centum inaddition to the amo1(m§paid)fcir day labor @0 the employees caf the G v enttmg' ce, suc as com si ors, ressmen, s erectyfpegs, laborers, press-feeders, Record fchders, anld engineers, who were exclgsévelylemployleld on th; night forpeshoflthlet Goverilnnlient `ce urin e secon session 0 e 0 -nint on- Qham pm to be gresst]iu§*r0»v·£ded, Thai in estimating the said twenty-five per cent, mma. credit shall be {yen the Government for whatever has already been paidéor is now ing paid to said employees above the rates for day · wor J.A.P•¤¤'¤0%J0h¤ To y the sum of seventy-one d llars d twen -five t h

 to J.   Patterson, John T. Whit:-ker, WETDE. Milldd, and (:]Qdhh@l-

g¤mt_B;¥¥g_éi}_ bert; tweng-one dollars and seventy-five cents each to John A. ¤¤¤,a¤•¤u nga; Bayly and M.‘Sprague; twenty-one dollars to R. W. Simmons; QW ‘ dollars and seventy-five cents each to Russell Barnes and A, B. · overnm n rin in ce- ""”"“"°"‘ H'}}2{·‘.3.§l‘€ *€i?§££3‘§$*§§%€$t2‘é° J‘ R" FL”Z“i=‘¢“" t" “25"E°“ glial], three hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents.g , Fox AND WISCONSIN mvmzs IMPROVEMENT. P·¤¤¤g¤¢ ¤f Mc- For aymeut of judgments and award ed ainst the JW ixlucglilétvgl UnitedPStates for ilowege damages cauwdsbyetheaimprbgemmt of £°{,,,‘g§,“”‘ ‘"" the Fox and Wisconsin ivers, m the State of Wisconsin and rerted to Congress by the Attorney—General in Senate Executive Hbcument Ninety-four, Fort -ninth Con ss second session as fol-

 y gre I 9

s : John Glatz, one hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents; Andreas Haesly, four hundred-and twenty-two dollars; Rufus Lane, two hundred dollars; ll} C. Ernst, threehhuradreld and ttwentlyinve dollars; aryo ,sixunesix·woo 't-` t- E. B. Fisklflgmr hundred fiftydight dollagsrsaiiid thiity-ilhxrdzafldehts; Wimm McLaren, five hundre thirty-six dollars and sixty-six cen s · Frederick Nable, six hundred ninety-eight dollars; Henry Kuhn, four hundred and fifty dollars; Eliza A. Clark, three hundred and fty dollars ; Emily L. Stickney, three hundred dollars; Hem·y Kem f, two hundred and fifty dollars ; _ J oh: r151E1x;, 1’;Slireemifhund{1ed seventegn ollalrslpnd thirty-three cents; o c , six un an fifty 0 ; Charles Morgan, eight hundred Eve dol rs allldseighty-three cents;