Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/606

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560 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1186. 110-L—1106. 1888. the metes and bounds of said reserved tract in a satisfactory manner, and to include therein such portions as he may deem advisable ot certain lands in the eastern part of the reservation, which the Indians desire shall be reserved for them; and the said Secretary is authorized by order to establish such diminished reservation accordingly; and in all other respects said act shall continue and remain in force. A¤=¤¤<1m¤¤¤- Sec. 9. That Congress may at any time amend, add to, alter, or repeal this act. Approved, October 17, 1888. October 18,1X. CHAP. 1194.-An act to provide for warehousing fruit brandy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House og Representatives of the Fmit b¤¤d¥· United States of America in Congress assent led, That the provisions ' (ms me wm of an act entitled "An act relatin to the production of fruit brandy, ' v°* “’· P·3°°* and to punish frauds connected with the same, " approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, be extende and made applicable to brandy distilled from ap les or peaches, or from any other fruit the brandy distilled from which is not now required or hereafter shall mm, not be required to be deposited in a distillery warehouse: Provided, That each of the warehouses established under said act, or which may cusemy. hereafter be established, shall be in charge either of a storekeeper or pf a stopekeeper and gauger, at the discretion of the Commissioner of nterna Revenue. Approved, October 18, 1888. Octobm 18, 1888. CHAP. 1195.-An act to establish a life-saving station on the Atlantic coast be· ‘ it tween Indian River Inlet, Delaware, and Ocean City, Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Lsresmng mmm. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary °t¤£l:>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤* of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to establish a lifeimi. wm °" Mm` saving station on the coast of Delaware or Maryland, at such point between Indian River Inlet, Delaware. and Ocean City, Maryland, as the General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service inay direct. Approved, October 18, 1888. 0ct¤be¤·18,1$s. CHAP. 1196.-An act to incorporate the Brightwood Railway Company of the ·—·——-—-—···-· District of Columbia. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the Dist.rictof('0lumblA. United States of America rin Congress assembled, That M. M. Parker, CEY,§*,{'§Y,‘}°‘?,El‘§`l,§}',§'(,Y A. A. Thomas, C. M. Anderson, C. B. Pearson, and Joseph Paul, of mea. the District of Columbia, and their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby, created a body corporate and politic, under the name of the Brightwood Railway Compan of the District of Columbia, and may make and use a common seal; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, with authority to construct and lay down a single or with the approval of the Commissioners of the District a double track railway, with the necessary switches, turn-outs, and other mechanical devices and sewer connections, necessary to operate the same by horse, cable, or electric power, 1mm0n. in the District of Columbia, throu h and along Brightwood avenue, from Boundary street to the boundaryline of the District of Columbia, with the right to run p‘u}blic carriages thereon propelled by horse. electric. or cable power. enever the foregoing route or routes may Cniucidingtracks. coincide with the duly authorized rout or routes of any other duly