Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/601

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1096. 1888. 555

 1096.—An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Mis- October 12, 1888-

souri River at some accessible point within one mile north and one mile south and "ij"; east of the mouth of the Kansas River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tl1at the Missouri Missouri mw and River and Land Improvement and Construction Company, a corpo- {,‘,§',f‘§,,{,",§*§’j,‘i}',‘§'{‘}‘{}‘,'j ration organized un er the laws of the State of Kansas, or its assigns, g[9¤¤P¤¤¥ mwv bg? is hereby authorized to construct and maintain a bridge across the meaty, ii?" ` Missouri River at such point as may be hereafter selected by said corporation, or its assigns, in Jackson Count , Missouri, within one mile north and one mile south and east of the mouth of Kansas River, Kansas; and also to construct accessary works to secure the best practicable channel-way for navigation and confine the How of the water to a permanent channel at such oint; and also to lay on and over said ridge a railway track or tradks for the more perfect connection of any railroads that are or shall be constructed to said Missouri River at or opposite said point; and said corporation may construct and maintain Ways for wagons, carriages, horses, or other animals, and R¤ilw;•:ly.wagou,¤nd for foot passengers, charging and receiving such reasonable toll there· f°°t b" '"‘ for as may be approved rom time to time by the Secretar 7 of War. Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be constructed and built without interference with the security and convenience of navigation of said Missouri River beyond what is necessary to carry into effect the rights and privileges hereby granted; and in order to secure that object the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary Secmmrgngtivn w of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawings of °p°r°"°P °°°' the bridge, and a ma of the location, giving for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location, the topography of the banks of the Missouri River, the shore lines at high and ow water, the direction and strength of the current at all stages, and the soundings accurately showing the bed of the stream, the ocation of any other bridge or bridges, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plan and location of the bridge are aipproved by the Secretary of War the bridge shall not be built: rofvided, If said bridge be built above the mouth of the Kansas {;•_·<»$;0s¤¤. h I River, it shall be built as a high bridge with unbroken and contmu- K,,,,,,;,, 1§‘$.,{.'?°“° ° ous spans, having at least one channel span of not less than four SP¤¤¤· hundred feet clear channel-way, all other spans over the water-way to have a clear channel-way of not less t an three hundred feet; and all said spans shall have a clear head room of not less than fifty feet above high-water mark; and if it shall be built below the mont K;£¥gy;eT¤¤¢¤ of of the Kansas River, it shall be built as a high bridge with unbroken ’ and continuous spans, all spans over the water way to have a clear 8¤¤¤¤· channel way of not less than four hundred feet and a clear head room of not less than fifty-five feet above high water mark; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of said river, at the stage of water which is most important to navigation, and the bridge itself shall be built as nearly as may beat right angles thereto; and said company or corporation shall mamtain, at 1tS own expense, from sunset to sunrise. such lights or other signals on mgm, em. said bridge as the Light House Board shall prescribe :_ Provz ed also, That all railway companies desiring to use said bridge shall have by other c<>m· and be entitled to equal rights and privileges in the passage of the same, and in the use of the machinery and fixtures thereof and of all the a proaches thereto, under an upon such terms and condi- '1`¤¤‘¤¤¤· tions as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War, upon hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, in case they shall not a ee. g§EC. 3. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized_and di- m_§g3f*¤¤°¤ °* *1* rected, upon receiving such plan and map and other information, and ‘