Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/598

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502 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1091-1093. 1888. 0a0b9F @1899- CHAP. 1091.-An act to authorize the construction of a highway bridge across j_‘“"“` that part of the waters of Lake Champlain which separates the islands of North Hero and South Hero, in the county of Grand Isle, in the State of Vermont Be it enacted by the Senate and of Representatives of the GN 031} Hggo md United States { Amemjea in Congress assembled, That the proper bm bridgna 1..;;.3;*;,2. authorities of the towns of North ero and Grand Isle, in the county }}gfQ‘ *}§ggQdSI?_:{’; of Grand Isle, in the State of Vermont, be, and they are hereby, cmmpmm. ’ authorized to construct, maintain, and use a highway bridge at a suitable oint across the channel which lies between the islands of Sem f t Ngrth Hgriiplanplh South tHero mid begagrgen lthe two gowns aforesiaidi .**¤'Y° Wg' ° Ec. 2. at estruc ure au oriz the rece ing sections a Hmm mgmt M" be built and located under and subjectlo sugh regulations for the security of navigation of such waters as the Secretary of W-ar shall prescribe, and shall be provided with such suitable and convenient Dmw- raw as the said Secretary shall deem needful for the proper purposes of navigation, of width not less than that of the draw in the bridge between the towns of Alburg and North Hero, Vermont; and the maintenance and management of said structure shall be subject to V°l~=*2»P-4** such of the revisions of section six of cha ter fifty-two of the acts of the second session of the Forty-seventh Ciongress as the Secretary of War may, from time to time, deem needful; and the authority to erect and continue said bridge shall be subject to revocation and modification by law whenever the public good shall, in the judgment of the Secretary of War so require, without any expense or charge to the United States. A¤¤¢¤d¤¤¤¤*· Sec. That tgz right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby express y reserv . Approved, October 12, 1888. October 12, 1888. 1¢@.—An act to make enlisted men of the Signal Corps responsible for _1_1_ Pu 0 PWPG · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §E;:¤§uJ°g<>;·gh dc United States of America on Congress assembled, That, from and w mae retpiins or after the passage of this act, every officer of the Signal Corps, every j{gf,j;yft°·· m ***9** non-commissioned officer or private of the Signal Corps, and all other officers, agents, or persons w o now have in possession, or may hereafter receive or may be intrusted with any stores or supplies, shall, quarterly or more often, if so directed, and in such manner and on such forms as may be prescribed bty the Chief Signal Officer, make _ true and correct returns to the Chic Signal Officer of all Si nal Service property and all other supplies and stores of every kind received by or mtrusted to them an each of them, or which may, in any · manner, come into their and each of their possession or charge. The Plycrtglgjw w be Chief Signal Officer subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, ° _ is hereby authorized an directed to raw up and enforce in his Bureau a system of rules and regulations for the government of the Signal Bureau, and of all persons in said Bureau, and for the safekeeping and dpreservation of all Signal Service propert of ever km , and to irect andgarescribe the kind, number, and fbrm, of all returns and reports, an to enforce compliance therewith. Approved. October 12, 1888. October 12, 18S CHAP. 1093.-A11 act to amend an act a roved ne fi ‘¤· - ·"·‘*·‘*"""* eighty-two. changing the of theufoudlfedcidleldtibhhgtliibltlblf Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re resentatives 0 the vmm axsmczs, Zynited States of A merioa { n Congress assem'bled,pThat an act entitled ‘ An act to amend section twentydive hundred and ifty-two of the