Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/585

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1069. 1888. 539 APPLIANCES FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS: For furnishing surgical a - Agpnuees for as pliances to persons d1sabled in the military or naval service of tllse m $°m‘°”‘ mted States, and not entitled to artificial limbs, two thousand dollars. SUPPORT AND MEDICAL TREATMENT OF DESTITUTE PATIENTS: For SuPP°?’t~ sts-· destithe support and medical treatment of eighty-tive medical and surgi- mm mmm` cal patients who are destitute, in the city of Washingtoii, under a contract to be made with the Providence Hos ital by the Surgeon- 1’¤‘<>Vid¢¤¤¢ H05PM1- General of the Armv. Seventeen thousand dollars. GARFIELD MEMo1uAL Hos1>11·AL; For maintenance, to enable it G¤*¤¤*d H¤=¤i¤=¤· to provide medical and surgical treatment to persons unable to pay therefor, ten thousand dollars. EXPENSES OF MILITARY CONVICTS: For payment of costs and Mi1iw¤r¤¤¤vi<r¢¤· charges of State penitentiaries for the care, clothing, maintenance, and medical attendance of United States military convicts confined in them, seven thousand Eve hundred dollars. PuBL1cAT1oN or rum OFFICIAL Rnconns or THE WAR or THE WOM;} 1},·;gg,{.d~— REBELLION, Born or THE UN1oN AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES, AS e°€$im§`i°1»;» putiiiiil FOLLOWS! For continuing the publication of the Official Records of “°“· the War of Rebellion, and printing and binding, under direction of the Secretary of W"ar, of a compilation of the official records, Union and Confederate, so far as the same may be ready for publication during the fiscal year, to be distributed as required by act of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, thirty-six thousand V¤l-’¤P·5°*>· dollars: Provided, That hereafter, before publication of any volume £;M¤·>· fw m of said records, the manuscript copy shall be submitted to the Sec- esms1§°°Q`$駰 tc bonretary of War, and revised by him, and shall not be published until ful;'} °*“° l ’°°°"“’ he shall certify that it onl contains the contemporaneous official ` records of the war of the reliellion, as provided for by the " act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen V0!-24.v-19¤· hundred and eighty-seven, and for other purposes/’ approve July thirty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six. WAcoN RoAD IN CoLoRADo; To enable the Secretary of War to Q:-;gnPggg&C¤*¤· construct a wagon road from the boundary of Pike’s Peak Military ` Reservation to the si al-station on Pike’s Peak, in the State of Co - orado, ten thousand cldllars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. UNITED STATES MILITARY PRISON AT FORT LEAVENVVORTH. lI§{§“*i§,{,’{,'§:‘lQQ;0r,h' Kaus. For the support of the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan- E¤<1>¢¤¤»¤· sas, as follows: For subsistence for prisoners, five teamsters and two watchmen: commutation for prisoners en route to insane asylum, twenty-seven thousand one hundred dollars. _ For tobacco for prisoners on special or excessive hard labor, nve hundred and forty dollars; For materials for illuminating buildings and grounds, one thousand seven hundred dollars; For an electric plant, three hundred lights, three thousand tive hundred dollars: _ For forage and bedding for public animals used exclusively at the prison, and hay for >risoners’ bedding, three thousand dollars; For stationery anh blank-books for prison offices, memorandum books, and pencils for the guard, when on duty, postage—stamps, pnvelopes, and letter paper for issue to prisoners, one thousand dollars. For fuel for generating steam for running engines_ and heating buildings, for steam pipe and fixtures, hose, hose-couplings, belting. machinery and castings. horse and mule shoes, harness-leather, horses and mules. wagons and other articles for transportation. stoves and stove—pipe, bricks, cement, nre-clay and fire- ricks, iron, tin,