Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/545

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1058, 1059. 1888. 4Q)9 ’CHAP. 1058.-An act to provide for the erection of a public building in the O¢¢<>b€1‘ 1.1888 city of \Vatertown, m the State of New York. www Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of A meriea i n Congress assembled, That the Secretary warmmm, xv. of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to purchase, acquire by condemnation, or otherwise provide a site for, and P¤b1i<> buildingcause to be erected thereon, a suitable building, with commodious Sife fire—proof vaults, for the accommodation of the post-oflice, internalrevenue office, and other Governmentmffices, in the city of Watertown, i11 the State of New York. The site and the building thereon, when completed u on plans and specifications to be reviously made P1¤¤s.e¤>. and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed the cost of seventy-tive thousand dollars: Provided, That no money to 1>»·0»tS0.¤. be appropriated for this nrpose shall be available until a valid title Time, em. to the site shall be vested) in the United States, and the State of New York shall have ceded her jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein: Provided, That the site shall leave the building unexposed to danger from tire in adjacent buildings by an open space of not less than forty feet, including 01*** ¤P¤¢¢· streets and alleys. Sec. 2. That the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars be, and the A1>1>¤>1>¤i¤¤i<>¤- same is hereby, appropriated, out of an money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be used and expended for the purpose provided in tlliis act. Approved, October 1, 1888. CHAP. 1059.-An act providing for the erection of sundry light-houses and fog- October 1, 1888. signals in Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Erie, and Michigan, and range-lights in Lake ji; St. Clair and Detroit River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ United States of America in Congress assembled, That a fog-signal S,¥_,;,‘§}§"§{$"*;s{‘°§ be established at Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, at a cost not to ex- 1is1w<1»’ ’ ceed five thousand five hundred dollars. Bm"" Is1"”d" That a fog-signal be established at Machinac Point, Straits of M¤°ki¤¤° P°*¤*~ Mackinac, at a cost not to exceed five thousand five hundred dollars. That a light-house be established at Wliite Shoals, or at Simmons Wim $*0*- Reef, Lake Michigan, as the Light House Board may determine, at a cost not to exceed sixty thousand dollars. That a fog-signal be established at Twin River Point, Lake Michi- T“‘*¤ Rim POM- gan, at a cost not exceeding five thousand five hundred dollars. That a fog-whistle be established on the breakwater at Chicago, ¤¤*¢¤s¤- Illinois, at a cost not exceeding five thousand two hundred dollars. That a steam-fog signal be established at Manistee Light Station, Mauiswe. Lake Michigan, at a cost not exceeding five thousand five hundred dollars. That rmigelights be established in the channelof Detroit River, Detmitmvsf- Michigan, between Fighting Island and Lime Kiln Crossing, at a cost not exceeding seven thousand dollars. _ That a fog-whistle be established on the breakwater at Cleveland, °‘€""'“”“· Ohio, at a cost not exceeding five thousand two hundred dollars. _ That a fog-si mal be established at La Pointe (Point Chequamegon), L8 Y’°¤¤*¤· entrance to Ashland Harbor, Lake Superior, at a cost not exceeding five thousand five hundred dollars. _ O _ i That a fog-signal be eStal7liSl19<l Hf POIDC IYOQUOIS, Lake Superior, P°‘”* I’°°l¤°¤S·· at a cost not exceeding five thousand five hundred dollars. That a fog-Signal be established at Clieboygan Point Light Stating, €¤·=¤*><>>*s=»»¤¤. Lake Huron, at a cost not exceeding five thousand five hundred dollars,