Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/454

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408 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 860. 1888. Wm¤i°¢*°¤· 0**- Improving harbor at Vlgillmgigton, California ; Continuing imo nt, ninet thousan dollars. 8¤¤1>i¤•=·>- ¤¤L Prlmlpildviéigl haiirbor at San Diego, California : For repairs, one tho d dollars. $¤¤L¤i=¤ Obisw W- Ihlisaiibving harbor at San Luis Obispo, California, by the construc- _ P t10D of a breakwater on the reef to the plane of mpan low wateg, aci cord` to the plan of W. H. Benyaur major 0 engineers, ate J andalrgy twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, twenty- five thousan ollars. 0¤<>sB¤y»0~s- Improving eptranpp to hzrgoh at Coos Bay, Oregon: Continuing im rovement, fty thousand dollars. Y**1¤*¤** B°Y·°”’¤· llinproving harbor at Yaquina Bay, Oregon: Continuing improve- T ment, one_ hundred and fifty thousand dollars. “l*”°°°"B“Y·°"°¤· h Impggvéng Tillamook Bay and Bar, Oregon, ive thousand two undr - dollars. L“"°° °*‘“““°*· M°· Improyling Iéubec] Channel, Maine: Continuing improvement, twenty thousand dollars.

  • ’·"°"“’ -, Im roving Penobscot River, Maine: Continuing improvement,

Pemhscoml u`M°` fifty thousand dollars ; twenty thousand dollars of which sum to be ex nded between Bangor an Crosby’s Narrows, and thirty thousand dollars between Bucksport and Winterport, according to the last plan _ _ of the engineer in charge if approved y the Secretary of War. ¤Q"’“g““€“s R"'°"· Imlproving Ngpragaugus River, Maine: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. S¤°° R*"°"· M°· Improying Saco River, Maine: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dol rs. B°·‘¥`·“*“°°**$'°'·*‘*°· Improving Bagaduce River, Maine, three thousand dollars. K¤¤¤°‘°°°B*"°’»M°· Improving Kennebec River, Maine, seventy-five thousand dollars. Mgi¤¤S*=·¤·B°° Bu- Hflmprplying Mopse-a-Bec Bar, Maine: Continuing improvement, ` teen thousand ollars. · C°°h°°°R“'°’·N·H· hImpro(yi(pg1Cocheco River, New Hampshire: To complete, nine thousand dollars. B°““'¤YR*"°"·N·H- Improving Bellamy River, New Hampshire, ten thousand dollars. 0*** €"°*’*‘·"*· Improgppg Oltteré Cre3ki1Verm0nt: Continuing improvement, two thousan ve un red dollars. IP*"’*°**R*“"'-“”“· d Imgreiving Ipswich River, Massachusetts, two thousand five hunred o lars.

°"`f’F R*“"· *1**- Improving Powow River, Massachusetts, for dredging, three thoungiithéauge. sand dollars
Provided, That this sum shall not be expended until

the towns of Amesbury and Salisbury, or either of them, shall have caused such a draw to be placed in the present bridge over said _ river, as may be approved by the Secretary of War. R_‘}‘f"`°"°’*"‘ R“`°’* Imprpving gawpuclcet Rigea Rhode Island : Continuing improve- _ _ ment. t irty- ve t nousam e dollars. R§‘f°""‘°“°"’ “"’°’· C Improving ProvidencetR§ver ang Narralg3.1Hsett Bay, Rhode Island; ontinnine improvemen ort thousand dollars. For remgving Green J adket Shoal. Providence River, Rhode Island: Continuing improvement. twenty-eight thousand dollars. R_’§‘f“'°`“‘“°" R*""— Improviiag Pawgagnipp River, Rhode Island: Continuing improve- _ _ ment, ten thousand dollars. CjQQ{{f"°“"°"' R"°"· Improving Connecticut R}iverbe(§o3v1Hartford, Connecticut; Con- ' _ _ tinuing improvement, ten thousand o lars. U,j§§jf"‘“"’“’° m"°'· Improving Housatonic River, Connecticut, thirty-Eve thousand dollars ; twenty-five thousand dollars of which may be expended in commencing the construction of a breakwater at the mouth of said _ _ river. _ _ “‘“"°*R"°"·°°""· Improving Thames River, Connecticut: Continuing improvement, filtty thelmsapldlélollars, Hvhich may be expended at any point between I orwic an Iew Lon on.

 °"‘°‘°°" °'°°"· Improving East Chester Creek, New York: Continuing improvement, five thousand dollars.