Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/377

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 677. 1888. 331 necessarytraveling expenses, labor and expert work in such investigagations, six thousand dollars: Provided, That the accounting officers P·‘¤viS¤· of the United States Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to allow credit to Norman J. Colman, Commissioner of Agriculture, in AU·>“‘==¤¤¢¤ *0 Northe sum of eighteen hundred and sixteen one-hundredths dollars, on mii$ii'z;>(i°iiii§°i;If

 account for ‘ ‘ laboratory " for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth,

eighteen hundred and eighty-five, disallowed by the First Comptroller as per his report of a justment of laboratory account numbered two hundred and forty-seven thousand ive hundred and four, dated December nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five. And the accounting officers of the Treasury are authorized and directed to allow the suspended account of George B. Loring, late Commis- A¤<>w¤¤¢¢¤>G¢¤rs¤ sioner of Agriculture, the several sums which were expended by him. B' L°""g‘ in the purchase of sorghum~seed and beet-seed, and for labor in the distribution of the same, from October first, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, to September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- five, inclusive, which expenditures were made from the laboratory fund, so called, and which the First Comptroller of the Treasury has decided not to be properly chargeable to said fund, said allowance nptlpo excegd the sum of twenty thousand eight hundred and seven dollars an eig ty cents. Investigating the history and habits of insects.—Entomological ,E¤¤<>m<>1¤gica1 didivision: For the promotion of economic entomology, investigating m'°°‘ the history and habits of insects injurious and benencial to agriculture, arborculture, and horticulture; experiments in ascertaining the best means of destroying them; for publishing re orts thereon; and for illustrations, chemicals, traveling within the United States, and other expen?s1iri {she practical work of the entomological division, twent thousan ‘o ars. Forlhollecting and disseminating information relating to silk-cult- Silk culture. ure; for purchasing and distributing silk-worm eggs, and for conducting at some point in the District of Columbia experiments with automatic machinery for reeling silk from the cocoon, and for expenses incurred in collecting, purchasing, preparing for transportation, and transporting cocoons, and for expenses of stations in connection therewith, and for necessary traveling expenses, twenty thousand dollars. And the Commissioner of Agriculture is hereby authorized to sell in open market any and all reeled silk and silk waste sam produced in these experiments, and to apply the proceeds of such sales to the payment of the legitimate expenses incurred therein; and the Commissioner of Agriculture shall make full report to Congress of the experiments herein provided for, and also of all sales and purchases made under this paragraph, with the names and residences of all producers of cocoons of whom purchases are made, _ For the encouragement and development of the culture of raising W¤m¤qj¤tS<lk Cultraw silk, five thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction “"°‘“""’“'“ """ of the Woman’s Silk Culture Association of the United States. located at Philadelphia, and to be paid directly to said association; and said association shall make a full and detailed report of the ex- Report. penditures and results obtained under this appropriation, and also under the appro riation to said association ma e for the tiscalyears eighteen hundred and eighty-seven and eighteen hundred andeighty- eight, as provided by law, if not already made, to the Commissioner of Agriculture, who shall transmit the same to Congress, and two thousand five hundred dollars for the same purposes and under the same restrictions and conditions, to the California Ladies’ Silk Cult- Sigalggmise kmsi ure Association of California, and for the continuation of the study mm. and experiments by Joseph Neumann. of the wild native silk-worm Pm, pam of California, two thousand five hundred dollars: and the said Joseph Neumann shall report the results of such work to Congress through R¤x><>r¢· the Commissioner of Agriculture on or before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine.