Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/269

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Suss. I. Ch. 503. 1888. 223 thousand dollars provided for said tribe for education and other benelicial purposes, per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred V°l·i0·P·W?1 and fifty-four, not exceeding five thousand seven hundred and forty- three dollars and tWenty-four cents; and the Secretary of the Interior is directed to pay also to the said seventeen Kickapoo allottees, to those who may hereafter become citizens of the United States, and to the heirs or legal representatives of deceased Kickapoo allottees, their proportion of the tribal funds held in trust by the United States and on deposit in the United States Treasury; in all, nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-four dollars and eighty-six cents. mnmns on KANSAS. ‘““'“i€S °fK¤*l¤¤¤· For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per fifth article of treaty of October sixth, eighteen V°l-7·P· *9*- hundred and eighteen, and fourth article of treaty of June fifth, "<>l·l°·v-1095- eighteen hundred and fifty-four, four hundred and eleven dollars and forty-three cents; For permanent provision for miller, in lieu of gunsmith, per same articles and treaties. and per fifth article of treaty of October twenty- V°1·7·P·4“· third, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, two hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-two cents. For interest on twenty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty- I”""'“*" four dollars and eighty-one cents, at five per centum for educational V L10 purposes, per third article of treaty of June fifth, eighteen hundred ° ’°‘m4‘ and fifty-four, one thousand and ninety-four dollars and twenty-four cents; in all, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents. mmmms or mm mvmn. M‘*"°*°S°‘E°*B*'°*‘· This amount to be paid per capita to the Miamies of Eel River, be- P”“‘°“‘ ‘“ ‘““· ing in full of all demands under their treaties with the United States dated August third, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, August V°*-7»PP·5*·9*·m~ twenty-third, eighteen hundred and five, and September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, twenty-two thousand dollars. M0LELS_ Molels. For pay of teachers and for manual-labor schools, and for all nee- Schools essary materials therefor, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per second article of treaty of December twenty-first, eighteen undred "°*~**·P·°6l· and fifty-tive three thousand dollars. Maz PERGES. Ncz Forces- For salaries of two matrons, to take charge of the boarding-schools, Schools and two assistant teachers, one farmer, one carpenter, and two millers, per fifth article of treatlv of June n111th, eighteen hundred and Vol-14.v-ooo. sixty-three, six thousand do lars. xoirrumzx CHEYENNES AND ARAPAHOES. Noi-themoneyenues and Arapahoes. For last of ten installments, to be expended by the Secretary of the Interior, for each Indian engaged in agriculture, in the purchase of such articles as from time to time the condition and necessitiesof the Indians may indicate to be proper, as per sixth article of treaty of Vol.l5,p.o¤r. May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and for subsistence, as er agreement with the Sioux Inchans approved February twenty- "°l· ¤°·l>·54· gighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, thirty-five thousand ‘ ollars. For twentieth of thirty installments, for purchase of clothing, as cmmuzper sixth article of treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- ver is,p.m.