Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/246

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200 FIFTIETH CON GRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 478. 1888. electric power, in the District of Columbia, through and along the L°°°·*·*°¤ followin streets, avenues, and roads; Beginning for the main hne of said road at the intersection of Connecticut avenue and Boundary street; thence alon the middle of Columbia. Road to Woodley Roa ; thence along Woorhey Road by single track on west side thereof to Woodley Park; thence diverging from Woodley Road through said park b such route as maybe satisfactory to the owners of said park, and sulnject to the approval of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, to the westerlyline of said lpark, and returnuigrby the aforesaid route through Woodley Parkto the mtersection of oodley Road and Connecticut avenue extended; thence along Connecticut avenue extended to California av enue, formerly Oaklan avenue; thence along California avenue to its intersection with Columbia Road, and tnence along Columbia Road to the place of beginning; also with the privilege . of building and constructing abranch of said road from the westerty line of said Woodley Park nearWood1eyRoadtoitsintersectionw1 the Tenallytown Road, retm·nin over the same route and connecting ` at said westerly line of Woodféey Park with the main line of sai rue. road. Said company shall receive a rate of fare not exceeding Eve cents for each passenglef for each continuous ride between all points of itsmainand branches, but shall sell tickets in packages of six each for not exceeding twenty-five cents per package. Said railway shall be constructed o good materials and in a su stantial manner, with the rails of American manufacture and of the most approved pat- _ tems, subject to approval by the Commissioners, laidxppon an even surface with the pavement of the street or road, im ded in concrete where the same passes over the surface of the paved streets of the District of Columbia, with the gauge to be approved by the 'i'¤¤k- Commissioners of the District of Columbia. The track of said railwa , the Space between the tracks, and two feet beyond the outer raid thereof, which this franchise is intended to cover, shall be at all times kept b said corporation in good repair, at its own expense, and subject to the glpproval of the Commissioners aforesaid; and if the coréporation sh fail to make the necessary repairs within ten days a ter notice by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the repairs shall be made by the said Commissioners, and the cost of such repairs be recovered by the Commissioners before any court of competent {urisdiction, and the amount so paid by the Commissioners sha] be a lien upon all property of said company from the time that said repairs are made unti paid by said company. It shall °r'iég”¤g¤mM¤;”¤¤¤· be lawful for said corporation, its successors or assigns, to o rate °°its said road by horse, cable, or electric power, and to make Blf)€88d— ful and convenient trenches and excavations and sewer connections in any of said streets, roads, or places where said corporation ma have the right to construct and operate its road, and to place in such trenches and excavations all the needful and convenient devices and machinery for operating said railroad in the manner and by the means aforesaid; and said sewer connections shall have such traps or other devices as may be required by the Commissioners. It shall also be lawful for said corporation, its successors or assigns, to erect and maintain, at such convenient and suitable points along its lines as may seem most desirable to the board of directors of said cor o— ration, and Subject to the approval of the Commissioners of she District, an engine house or ouses, boiler house or houses, and all other buildings necessary for the successful operation of a cable or $P°¤’~ electric motor railroad. The rate of s d on said road shall not exceed nfteen miles an hour. The workedpon the main line of said

¤¤¤ road shall be commenced within ninety days and the same shall be

completed within one year from the date of the passage of this act, and the work upon the branch line thereof shall be commenced

 one year and completed within two years from the said date;

and if the said work on the mam line of said road shall not be so