Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/236

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190 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 398, 419. 1888. cause to be erected thereon, a. substantial and c011[1m0d10us bn11d1mg, with Hm proof vaults, for the use and agcommodatwn of the post-0H10a Si¤->,1>1¤¤S. ¢>¤¤· and for other Government uses at H0 Dokcn, New J ersey. _The -S1t8 and building thereon, when completed upon plans and spacuicatxons to be previously made and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed in cost the sum of sixty thousand dollars; 1101: shall mumam. any site be urchased until estimates for the erecmon of a bugldmg which will Furnjsh sufficient accommodations fO1‘.thB trausact1011 of the public business, and which shall pot exceed 111 cost the balance of the sum herein limited after the S1t9 shall have been purchased and paid for, shall have been_ approved by the _Spcrqtag·y of the Treasury; and no purchase of mba, nor plaq for sagd building, gha,11 be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury m volving an expeqd1’gure> Cost. exceeding the said sum of sixty thousand dollars for sm; and building ; and the site purchased shall leave the building g111expgsed to danger from Hrs by an open space of at least forty-feat, including streets angl P'°”‘¤°- alleys: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended lllltll '1`i¤¤» M- a valid title to the said site shall be vested in thq United States, por until the State of New Jersey shall cade to the United States exclusive `urisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall {na or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except tk1G Edpllzllgtration of the criminal laws of said State and the serwce of .C1V11 process therein. Approved, J unc 18, 1888. June 19, I$8. CHAP. 419.-Au act to incorporate the Ecldngtou and Soldiers' Home Railway ""‘“""""‘— Company of the District of Columbia. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

   United Smfes of America in Congress assembled, That Edward F.

mmpmgfnevwm 0% Beale, Edward C. Dean,' A. L. Barber, George Truesdell, James L. Q;{¤m**¤· *¤°°*'P°’°· Barbour, George E. Moore, Charles C. Duncansou, Michael Connor, ` and Joseph Paul, of the District of Columbia, and their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby, created a. bodv cororate under the name of the Eckingtcu and SOIdiB1',S Home Railway gompany of the District of Columbia, with authority to construct and lay down a. single or d011b1S-tf30k railway, with the necessary switches, ' turn-outs, and other mechanical devices and sewer connections 11GC8S·

10¤e,¤¤m»;·,ove1ec- sary to operate the same by horse, cable, or electric power, in the Dis·
  • ”° ¥’°"’°"· trict of Columbia through and alouq the following avenues, St1‘(-)BtZS,3I1d

Locmcn. highways: Commencing on New York avenue at its intersection with Seventh street, northwest, thence castwardlv along said avenue to its intersection with Third street, northeast, thence along Third street north to T street, thence cast to Fourth street with the rivila a of extending the same northwardly along Fourth street to tgz Bunicr Hill road withiu 0118 year after smd Fourth street shall have been opened emma. and graded : Pro vi¢Zed,Tha,t in order to avoid crossing the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the District Commissioners may, if they deem it necessary, require said company to acquire by urclmse the right of way along the west side of said railroad from légw York avenue to Third Branches. street cast ; also a branch commencing at the intersection of New York avenue with First street, west; and thence north along First street, to the south line of the grounds of the S0ldi6I‘S, Home; also with the rivile 0 of extending said main line along N ew York avenue to Ivy gity wjtiu`11 one year after said avenue is opened and graded to Ivy City, mth the right to run public carriages thereon propelled by horse, Fm- electric, or cable power. Said company shall racmvc a rate of fare noi: exceeding Qva cents par passenger for any distance between the termini of said mam railway or between the termini of its branch railway or between either terminus of said main railway and the terminus oi said branch railway, but shall sell six tickets for twentyiiva cents.