Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/179

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 213. 1888. 133 Acadmmoh, Man Takes Plent Arms, his x mark. Seal. Pi°¤“”· ¥“°°d· md Echo Ka-mix, Man holds Pipe}? his x mark. Seal. bditEii;dlguatmS— Kut-ta—nah, Top Chief, his x mark. Seal. Skikenna Kema, Pities People, his x mark. Seal. She-pe-na-muk, N ight Guman, his x mark. Seal. Pena—tuya-a-muk, unning Fisher, his x mark. Seal. A—cokeya, Plenty Bears, his x mark. Seal. Ma—que-a-koopah, Wolf Child, his x mark. Seal. Oke Shema, Mean Drinker, his x mark. Seal. Meko-kim-namoke, Iron Gun Taer, his x mark. Seal. Attest: M. D. BALDVVIN, United States Indian Agent. C. B. TOOLE, Agency Clerk. J orm P. WAGNER, Assistant Agency Clerk. We hereby certify that the foregoing articles of agreement were careful y read and explained to the Indians above named, in open council, and were thoroughly understood by them, before signing the same, and that the agreement was executed and signed by said Indians, at the Blac eet Agency, in the Territoxéy of Montana, on the eleventh day of February, eighteen hun red and eighty-seven. WILL RUSSELL, _ United States Interpreter. J OSEPH KIPP, . Special Interpreter. Attest: EUGENE Mun. J 0HN Jommn. Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Awzerica in Congress assembled, That said agree- AgM¤¤¤¤tr¤¢i¤¤d. ment be, and the same is hereby, accepted, ratified, and conhrmed. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of carrying out the terms of said Appropriation. agreement the sum of four hundred and thirty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be immediately available. Sec. 3. 'Ilhat lands to which the right of the Indians is extinguished "L¤¤·1¤ open cp seiunder the foregoing agreement are a part of the public domain of °m°"°' the United States and are open to the operation of the laws regulate- PM'- P· m- ing homestead entry, except section twenty-three hundred and one n.s.2a01,p.4ei. of the Revised Statutes, and to entry under the town site laws and the laws governing the disposal of coal lands, desert lands, and mineral lands; but are not open to entry under any other laws regulating the sale or disposal of the fpublic domain. Sec. 4. The Secretary o the Interior is hereby authorized to ap- c·¤mm;see¤g¤¤sg.» point a commission, consisting of three persons, with authority to §,{{‘,§{’h,},Q}?,‘0kfQ$§,_ °‘ negotiate with the band of Ute Indians of southern Colorado for such modification of their treaty and other rights, and such exchan e of their reservation, as may be deemed desirable by said Indians and the Secretar of the Interior; and said commission is also authorized, if the result of such negotiations shall make it necessary, to negotiate with an other tribes of Indians for such portion of their reservation as ma be necessary for said band of Ute Indians of southern Colorado ity said Indians shall determine to remove from their resent location; the re ort of said commission to be made to and subject to ratification by Congress before taking effect; and for this purpose the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, Appropriation is hereby appropriated, which shall be immediately available. · Approved, May 1, 1888.