Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/164

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1 18 rirrmrn ooneaass. sms. 1. ou. 213. mss. $**3** ¤'8¤•¤¤'•¤· Ma-toa-wa-ua-ka, Bear Ghost, his x mark. Seal. mmm Ka·te-ka-ze, Crow Bell , his x mark. Seal. Ta-ko-ko-ke-pesh-ne, N>;>t"Afraid, his x mark. Seal. Muz-a·cetche, Bad Iron, his x mark. Seal. Hook-pa—h oh-ouka, Fast Wing, his x mark. Seal. Wa—ka-money, Walking Medicine, his x mark. Seal. Ma-to—e-na-pah, Bear Comes Out, his x mark. Seal. ‘ Ke-ah, Flyin , his x mark. Seal. Ka-nu-ka-sajiald Eallgle, his x mark. Seal. Sl1a·ta·sa pa, Black awk, his x mark. Seal. Ta—shin-ah-topa, Four Blankets-, his x mark. Seal. ~ Ma—to-wa-ka-muzha, Bear Stands High, his x mark. Seal. Ta-chahgpee War Club, his x mark. Seal. Wa-ma- eduta, Red Eagle, his x mark. Seal. · Ma-pee-a-sappa, Black C oud, his x mark. Seal. Wa-ke-o—money, Walking Thunder, his x mark. Seal. Ta—touka-hoska, Long Bull, his x mark. Seal. Wa-ti-ah, Good Shot, his x mark. Seal. Chah-tah-warcoeur, Chasing Hawk, his x mark. Seal. Wa·ma-de—o·money, W%Eagle, his x mark. Seal. Ha-ha, Horn, his x mark, al. Shun-ka-o-nah-umpe, Dog Listens, his x mark. Seal. Ha—muzza, Iron Horn, his x mark. Seal. Ma-to·cuch-ena, Low Bear, his x mark. Seal. Ma—to—na-pe, Bear Necklace, his x mark. Seal. Ka-ke-sappa, Black Crow, his x mark. Seal. Se—ha-tauka, Big Foot, his x mark. Seal. Sa-ka·ma—za, Iron Nails, his x mark. Seal. We-ah-ko-e, Feather Earring, his x mark. Seal. · Pa-ta-wa»—ka.-nuzha, Medicine Cow Standing, his xsmzark. ea . Wa-ma-de—duta, Red Eagle, No. 2, his x mark. Seal. H3-h3Ik6T·H-86, Scattering Elk, his x mark. Seal. . Ta-tonk-ka»ka·duska, Spotted Bull, his x mark. Seal. Shun-ka~ho, Dog’s Voice, his x mark. Seal. Ha—etch-ah—ka-mo, Wind Horn, his x mark. Seal. Wa-ka-pa-ho-moneg; Moving Medicine, his x mark. Seal. Ta-ma-e-che, Poor, is x mark. Seal. Newton Hummond. Seal. He—ha-ze, Yellow Owl, his x mark. Seal. Ha-wash-tesh-ta, Good Horn, his x mark. Seal. Shunka-sappa, Black Dog, his x mark. Seal. . Cha-hoske, oug Tree, his x mark. Seal. · Shunka·ma-kos-ung, Dog on the Plains, his x mark. Seal. Ma-to—ku—appa, Chasing the Bear, his x mark. Seal. William Danillson, his x mark. Seal. Cha-ta-mah-to, Bear Hawk, his x mark. Seal. Ma-to-e—oha—koza, Fight the Bear, his x mark. Seal. . O-ia-o-money, Walking Track, his x mark. Seal. O- e-shina-duta, Red ogihis x mark. Seal. Wah-e-koyer, Hangs in alking, his x mark. Seal. O—bo-so-ta, Destroyer, his x mar . Seal. Ah-ke-che-da-e-da, Burnt Soldier. his x mark. Seal To-cha·n0pa·wash-ta, His Good Pipe, his x mark. Wa·ma»da-cha·ka, Eagle Claw, his x mark. Seal. Ta·ta-wash-ta, Good ind, his x mark. Seal. Chester A. Arthur. Seal. W'a-arp-paser, Scared Out, his x mark. Seal. Pe·te·sa»e-u-ataka, White Sitting Cow, his x mark. Seal. Ma-to·wam·a-da, Bear Eagle, his x mark. Seal. Ma-to cuer, Bear Comes his x mark. Seal. Es-to-kee, Yellow Eye, his x mark. Seal.