Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1569

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INDEX. 1533 . Page. ru . Fort Er1e,_ _ I Fort Sanders Military Reservation, Wyo., ge appropriation for consul at 252. 702 portion of, granted to Wyoming for a iish- Fort Hall Agency. l hatcherv, etc . 158 appropriation for pa of Indian a ent at.218, 981 to revert. if not used for public urposes Fort Hall Indian Resgrvation, g Fort Scott, Kaus., P P 158 agreement with Shoshone and Bannock appropriation for public building 939 Indians for cession of town site in. degciencv a propriation for furniture, _ ratitied ... 452 public guilding at .. . . . 910 right of way through. to Utah and North- { Fort Sidiiey, Nebr., ern Railway Company. . . 455 * deficiency np ropriation for repairs .. 916 Fort Hall_ Reservation Indiana, Idaho, ‘ Fort Smith. Ariz., appropriation for support, etc., of ... 230, 995 . appropriation for jail, heating apparatus. 506 agreement for cession of part of reservar for public building 939 tum confirmed 987 construction of bridge across Arkansas allotment of lands in severalty .. . . . 688 River, authorized at .. 337 Fort Hays Military Reservation. I construction of bridge acrom Poteau River, right of way through,to Omaha, Dodge Indian Territory, near, authorized. 184 City and Southern Railway Com- Fort Smith and Choctaw Bridge Company, pany . . ... 863 may bridge Poteau River. Indian Terri- Fort Industry, tory. near Fort Smith, Ark 184 location of. to be surveyed, etc .. 155 litigation in controversies to be in western Fhrt Lea venworth. Kaus., judicial district of Arkansas ... 884 appropriation for books, etc., Army Fort Smith and El Paso Railway Uompcmy, School at . ,... 966 right of way t0. through Indian Territory. 162 Fort Lea ren worth, Kuna., Military Prison, Fort Smith, Paris and Dardanelie Railway _ appropriation for support, etc., of .. 539, 972 Company, deliciency appropriation for transports- may bridve Arkansas River at Fort Smith, tion of disc rged prisoners ... 916 Ari: .. 337 Fort Learenuvrth, Kam., Military Reser— granted right of way through Indian Tervation. ritory 745 right of way through. to Leavenworth Fort Snelling. Minn., · Rapid Transit Railway Company. . 474 deficiency appropriation for barracks 916 sale of part of. authorized ... 170 Fort Ulallace Reservation. Kaus., lease of land authorized for reservoir. etc. 863 | sale of. authorized .. 612 Fort Lowell illililary Reservation, Ariz., portions excepted ,.. `. . 612 right of way through, granted to Pima sa e of buildings 613 Land and Water Company 693 Fort lVa.yne, Fort 1lIcClary. Me., location of. to be surveyed, etc ... 155 right of way through reservation granted Fort llhyne, Ind., to York Harbor and Beach Rail- deficiency appropriation for public buildroad Company 188 ing .._ 47 Fort Meade Jlilifary Reservation. Dak., { Fort l1"orIle, Tar., appropriation for additional land ,... 534 construction of public building at. author- Fort Jlfeigs, ized .. 788 location of. to be surveyed, etc .. 155 Fortjcations. Fort Jliumi, appropriations for. available until exlocation of. to be surveyed, etc . . 155 pemled .. #49, $$6 For! Jlorgan, Ala., to be under supervision of Board of Ordright of way throuvh reservation to Bit- nance mul Fortilivation .,...,, 4N9 mingham, Lljobile and Navy Cove duties of Board ,... , -lH9 Harbor Railway Company 500 expenditures to he msule- by existing F nrt Ninbraru, ,\?2br.. lvureuus .. M9 nppropriation for buildings .. 534 i forprotvctiou.pres•·rvntion.mul repair.48D.8r·l6 continued. .. . . 966 for sea-walls zmrl earth einbunkments .. 4*49 Pbrf ()muha Reserrutirm, Nebr., for torpedoes for harbor defenses .. 489 to be plntted and sold: expenses . 339 for manufacture. tests. and purchase of appropriation for new site ... 339 guns and carriages ... 489 Fort Peck Agencgy. for plans. . ... 887 uppropriation for pay of Indian agent at.218, 981 for projectiles. powders. etc ... 489 for support, ctc-., of Indians at . 986 for expenses . . 489 F url Peck Indian Reservation, for submarine mines, etc .. 8*7 boumlurv established .. . . 116 for dynamite guns, etc ..., 4:49 Ihr! Poml Harbor, N. Y., material to beAmerican manufacture 489 appropriation for survey of ., 429 for gun factory at Watervliet Arsenal. [bri Reley. Kam., C'm·alry and Artillery N. Y. . 489 ' School, for quarters . . 489 a ropriution for . . 531,966 for purchase of steel for coast-defense digit oi way through. to Kansas Valley guns; proviso 490 Railroad Company 135 purchases to be made on advertisement 490 Fort Rohiruon, Arbr., 534 conditions bidders . ntion for buildings' .. for cast·iron ri mortars Pcpcnitinnlucd 966 tests to be made of mortars .. 490 Fort Robinson Remmtion. Nebr., if satisfactory 490 deficiency appropriation for property imit of price . .. 490 taken m extension of . 52 inspection . . 490