Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1055

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1010 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. ons. 415, 416. 1889. for one month in at least one newspaper if any such there be published at each United States port of entry on the Pacific coast, warning all ersons against entering said waters for the purpose of violating the provisions of said section; and he shall also_cause one or more vessels of the United States to diligently cruise said waters and ° Arrest or violators arrest all persons, and seize all vessels found to be, or to have been, ` engaged in any violation of the laws of the United States therein. ’ Approved, March 2, 1889. March 1m. CHAP. 16.—An act utin to the Duluth and Winni Railwa Com an the ’—*vj—" right of why through tldnmleecld Lake and White Earth R0B0};'V8tl01I;8 the State of Minnesota. Be it enacted by the Senate and House { Representatives of the l>¤\¤p¤ and Wirmi- United States of America in Congress assem led, hat there is hereby p°gR$l°{$§'h(E°.$§’,$'§§ granted to the Duluth and Winiiipeg Railway Company, a corpora— §§*{$,QmIé°°,é"P"h¤I§1$ tion organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, diau Rose;-vim os, and its assigns, the right of way for the extension of its railroad M‘“"· through the Leech Lake and White Earth Indian Reservations in Location. said State: Commencing at Duluth and running by the most practicable route to some point on the international boundary!-line between the Lake of the Woods and the Red River of the Nort . Such right .wa.m¤. of way shall be fifty feetin width on each side of the central line of said railroad, and said com any shall also have the right to take · from the lands adjacent to the line of said road material, stone, and earth necessaryilfor the construction of said railroad; also grounds smmosem. adjacent to suc right of way for station buildings, depots, machineshops, side-tracks, turn-outs, and water-stations, not to exceed in _ amount three hundred feet in width and three thousand feetin length for each station, and to an extent not exceeding one station for each six miles of road within the limits of said reservations. Compensation ron- Sec. 2. That before said railway shall be constructed through any “"‘““g°‘· °"‘· land, claim, or improvement held by individual occupants according to any treaties or laws of the United States, compensation shall be · made such occupant or claimant for all property tobe taken or damage done by reason of the construction of said railway. In case of Lmgmm. failure to make satisfactory settlement with any such claimant, the just compensation shall be determined as rovided for by the laws of Minnesota, enacted for the settlement of like controversies in such Payment romana. cases. The amount of damages resulting to the tribe or tribes of Indians tpertaining to said reservations in their tribal capacit by reason o the construction of said railway throu h such lands of, the reservations as are not occupied in severalty shah be ascertained and determined in such manner as the Secretar of the Interior ma direct, and be subject to his final approval; but no right of any kind shall vest in said railway company in or to any art of the right of way herein provided for until plats thereof, made u n actuafl survey, for the definite location of such railroad, anefxincluding the grounds for station buildings, depots, machine-shops, side-tracks, Secretaryotlnwrmr turn-outs, and water-stations, shal have been approved by the Sec-

Qc_•P¤'°'° *°°•“°°· retary of the Interior, and until the compensation aforesaid shall

have been fixed and paid, and the consent of the Indians on said reservations to the_prov1sions of this act shall have been Erst obtained m a manner satisfactory to the President of the United States. Said Survey. company is herebyauthorazed to enter upon such reservations for the Proviao. purpose of surveying and locatigg its ine of railroad: Provided, hat said railroad s all be locat , constructed, and operated with due regard to the rights of the Indians and under such miles and aegumom. regulations as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe.