Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1051

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1000 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 112, 413. 1889. of the public domain for the purpose of such disposition as is herein provided, and the President is authorized as soon thereafter as he Pr¤<>!¤r¤¤¤<>¤- may deem advisable, by proclamation open said lands to settlement in the same manner and to the same edect, as in this act provided concerning the lands acquired from said Creek Indians, but until said lands are opened for settlement by proclamation of the President, no person shall be permitted to enter upon and occupy the same, and no person violating this provision s all be permitted to enter any of said lands or acquire any right thereto. Lund diS¢·ri¢¤¤¢<>\=<= Sec. 15. That the President may whenever he deems it necessary °"°°°d° create not to exceed two land districts embracing the lands which he mav open to settlement by proclamation as hereinbefore provided, and he is empowered to locate land offices for the same appointing Expenses. thereto in conformity to existing law registers and receivers and for the puigwse of carrying out this provision five thousand dollars or so muc thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated. Approved, March 2, 1889. ___M¤¤'¢b§1889· I CEA?. 413.-An act to regulate and license pawnbrokers in the District of Co- · um ia., Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Fnwgphrlgx-06 United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commiscohmmmlgm Y sioners of the District of Columbia may from time to time grant licenses, under their hands and seal, to such persons citizens of the United States as shall produce to them satisfactory evidence of their good character, to exercise or carry on the business of a dpawnbroker. which license shall designate the building in which said person shall carry on said business; and no person shall exercise or carr on the business of a pawnbroker without being duly licensed by the commissioners of the District of Columbia, nor in any other building than the one designated in said license, except by the consent in Pemlqyfcrcnrryius writing of the said commissioners, under the penalty of nfty dollars E2e$?"’°“ W °°° for each day he or she shall exercise or carry on said business without such license, or in any other building than the one so designated, na-xmmn ot pawn- except by the consent of the Commissioners as aforesaid, Any per-

  • "°"‘°"· son, corporation, member, or members of a corporation or firm who

, loans money on delposits or pledge on personal roperty, or other valuable thing, other t an securities or printed evidences of indebtedness, or who deals in the purchasing of personal property or other valuable thing on condition of sellm the same back again at a stipulated price, is hereby declared and dell-ned to be a pawnbroker. · can of umm. Sec. 2. That ever person receivin such license shall pay therefor the sum of one hundred dollars for the use of the District of Columbia yearly, and every such license shall expire one year from the date thereof, and may be renewed on application to the Commis- ·r¤ issue yemy. sioners of the District each and every year on payment of the same punndand upon performance of the other conditions herein coname .

 f;;'h‘{§° °‘* _ Sec. 3. That every pgrson so licensed shall at the time of receiving such license, an fore the same shall be operative, enter, with

two sufficient sureties, into a joint and several recognizance to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, in the penal sum of three thousand dollars, conditioned for the due observance of all such acts of the Congress of the United States as may be passed or in force respecting pawnbrokers at any time during the continuance m1;§g>*¤w ¤z¤i¤¤*= of such license. f any person shall be aggrieved by the misconduct ' of any such licensed pawnbroker, and shal recover judgment against him therefor, such person may, after the return unsatisfied, either