Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/909

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RESOLUTIONS. [N0. 13.] Joint resolution for the relief of William L. Dunlop, trustee. _ May 26, 1886. - Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States, in favor of the · William L.Dunsaid William L. Dunlop, of the District of Columbia, as trustee of the !°P» *¤`¤¤*°°· estate of George Lowry, late of said District, deceased, his heirs and assigns, hereby surrender, abandon, and forever release all right or Release of right claim they may have, by reason of any escheat, to any part of lot num- <>f U¤i*°d S*¤i¤¤i¤ · bered thirteen, in square numbered seventy-five, in the city of Wash- t,‘#’“%¤ “q::’f,,Z5· ington, in the District of Columbia, as the same is known and distin- t0_ gt 'y’ guished on the plan or plat of said city and included in the following lines and bounds, to wit: Beginning for the same at a point on the line Description. of the southwest side of Pennsylvania avenue seventy-nine feet three inches from the stone planted at the northwest corner of the square, and running thence along the line of Pennsylvania avenue toward said corner-stone, twenty feet; thence at right angles to the avenue back to an alley nine feet wide, heretofore laid off in a lease to Thomas Y. Sprogell; thence with the line of said alley due east till it intersects with said Sprogell’s line; thence with said Sprogell’s line to the place of beginning, with the free use and privilege of the said alley of nine feet in width, and with the brick dwelling-house and buildings thereon. Approved, May 26, 1886. [No. 14.] J nint resolution for the relief of the estate of the late James G. Winter- June 12, 1886. smith, late Doorkceper of the House of Representatives ——-—————··-·-· Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatires of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Clerk of the House James G. Winbe, and he is hereby, authorized to pay, and the accounting officers *°”"“*h- of the Treasury to pass the said account, to the legal representatives of the late James G. Wintersmith, late Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, one year’s salary as Doorkeeper of the House of Repre- Payment or one sentutives, and also the expenses of the last sickness and expenses of 5¤¤¤"¤ ¤¤l¤¥'Y ¤¤ burial, not exceeding five hundred dollars for said burial, of the said £,.°§;k“”’,1£‘?"" . . pI6B6D 8 1V8S `Vlllt0l'SII]lt1l. to lgggl ygpmgqut- Received by the President, June 12, 1886. ¤°*'°° °*`· [N OTE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF S1‘A1‘E.—-The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the House of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] 879