Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/673

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640 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 397. 1887. month immediately preceding the date thereof, and that he is a nativeborn (or naturalized, as the case may be) citizen of the United States, and further state in such oath or aihrmation his full name, with his age, place of business, his status,whether single or married, and, if married, the name of his lawful wife, and that he will support the Constitution of the United States and will faithfully obey the laws thereof, and especially will obey the act of Congress approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled “An act to amend section fifty-three hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States, in reference to bigamy, and for other purposes," and will also obey this act in respect of the crimes in said act defined and forbidden, and that he will not, directly or indirectly, aid or abet, counsel or advise, Registration om- any other person to commit any of said crimes. Such registration officer cer to ¤d¤¤i¤i¤t¤1‘- isauthorized to administer said oath or aftirmation; and all such oaths or ailirmations shall be by him delivered to the clerk of the probate court of the proper county, and shall be deemed public records therein. But if any election shall occur in said Territory before the next revision of the registration lists as required by law, the said oath or affirmation shall be administered by the presiding judge of the election precinct on or before the day of election. As a condition precedent to the right to hold office in or under said Territory, the officer, before entering on Omcial oath. the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath or ahirmation declaring his full name, with his age, place of business, his status, whether married or single, and, if married, the name of his lawful wife, and that he will support the Constitution of the United States and will faithfully obey thelaws thereof, and especially will obey the act of Congress approved March twenty- second, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled ·‘ An act to amend section fifty-three hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States, in reference to bigamy, and - for other purposes,” and will also obey this act in respect of the crimes in said act defined and forbidden, and that he will not, directly or indirectly, aid or abet, counsel or advise, any other person to commit any of said crimes; which oath or aiiirmatiou shall be recorded in the proper office and indorsed on the commission or certificate of appointment. Jm-ers. All grand and petit jurors in said Territory shall take the same oath or adirmation, to be administered, in writing or orally, in the proper D;,,q,,,u5c,;,;,,,,,_ court. No person shall be entitled to vote in any election in said Territory, or be capable of jury service, or hold any office of trust cr emolument in said Territory who shall not have taken the oath or ati iirmation aforesaid. No person who shall have been convicted of any crime under this act, or under the act of Congress aforesaid approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, or who shall be a polygamist, or who shall associate or cohabit polygamously with persons of the other sex, shall be entitled to vote in any election in said Territory, or be capable of jury service, or to hold any office of trust or emolument in said Territory. 5,,;,.,01,, in i m,;,, Sec. 25. That the office of Territorial superintendent of district schools 6~lupei·i_utemlent. created by the laws of Utah is hereby abolished; and it shall be the b0C°'""!"‘:"5“°" *° duty of the supreme court of said Territory to appoint a commissioner “Y‘*’°'" ° ‘ of schools, who shall possess and exercise all the powers and duties heretofore imposed by the laws of said Territory upon the Territorial superintendent of district schools, and who shall receive the same salary and compensation, which shall be paid out of the treasury of said Ter- Teerimriuiuohooi ritory; and the laws of the Territory of Utah providing for the method laws s¤¤i>¤¤•l¢=•|· of election and appointment of such Territorial superintendent of dis- ‘ trict schools are hereby suspended until the further action of Congress shall be had in respect thereto. The said superintendent shall have power to prohibit the use in any district school of any book of a sectarian character or otherwise unsuitable. Said superintendent shall eol- Statictics. _ lect and classify statistics and other information respecting the district and other schools in said Territory, showing their prowess, the whole number of children of school age, the number who attend school in each