Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/593

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560 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 378-380. 1887. provided in sections iii};-one hundred and uinetyonc and fifty-ono hundred and ninety-tivo of the Revised Statutes. Cities having S1;0. 2. That whenever three-fourths in number of the national banks ‘20(’·00° P°P¤[?*i°” located in may city of the United States having a. population of two

'l_:f rl;;;:;‘;Sci::; hundred thousand people shall make application to the Comptroller of
 the Currency, in writing, asking that such city may be a central reserve

city, like the city of New York, in which one-half of the lawful-money reserve of the national banks located in other reserve cities may be de- R. s., sec. 5195, posited, as provided in section fifty-one hundred and ninety-'dvc of the K'-IOW Revised Statutes, the Comptroller shall have authority, with the upproval of the Secretary of tho Treasury, to grant such request, and every bank located in such city shall at all times thereafter have OH hand, in lawful money of the United States, twenty-five per uentum of its deposits, as provided in section fifty-one hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes. Y-•'=z¤¥ — Mu d" Sec. 3. That: section three of tho act of January fourteenth, eighteen

1‘:_’:f:€({"°Yt bg "' hundred and seventy-Hvqeutitlod “An act to provide for the resumption

y;,,,,ci,_,c,,? B of specie payments, bo, and the same is, hereby amended by adding after von. na, p. 296. the words ‘• New York ” the words “ and the city of San Francisco, Califox·11ia," Approved, March 3, 1887. Mar. 3, 1887. CHAP. 3’I9.—A¤ act relating to arrears of taxes in the District of Columbia. Be { thenacted by the Sonata and Home of Representatives of the United Disyrict of Cv- States of America in Congress asaembled, That the rate of interest to be 1**::;;*; at on M__ collected on all general taxes in arrears on the hrst day of July, eighteen nm of mm, 1.,, hundred and eighty-six, and on all special assessments due the District awed. of Columbia, shall be six por contum par annum, in lieu of the rate and . Ifjroqiv- penalties now fixed bylaw : Provided, That this act shall only apply 30 {g`g§°d *° N°'· to taxes and assessments paid on or before the thirtiath day of Novcm- · ' ber, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. Approved, March 3, 1887. _ . ` .380.- n afs a»is sh ...—..““'· “· ‘“'· m.€£%§Z.. me cf}? 02”»i?}..féXp.f1‘3£§»,‘12`€2'L’}°»¤‘E`.}.c,‘.i1‘§? ‘“ ‘ “"°°‘°‘°“ °° "° "°" p,€,m;,;,,_ Whereas, ample means have been provided for the holding in the city of Minneapolis, State of Minnesota, of an exposition of the products of agriculture, manufactures, and tha line arts; and Whereas the objects of such un exposition should commend themselves tc Congress, and its success should be promoted by all reasonable encouragement, provided it can be done without expense to the general public: Therefore, Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ Articles may he States of America, in Congress assembled, That all articles which shall be {,';;!:;’;‘:‘:;i ‘:;:;:"‘ imported for the solo purpose of exhibition mz the Minneapolis Industrial cum Minh Wag; Exposition, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, the first exhibition of which is out paying duty. to be held in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, shall ba admitted without tho payment of duty or of customs fees or charges, under Prwiaoq. such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe: Provided, That all such articles as shall be sold in the United States, cr Wizhtlmwglg rm- withdrawn for consumption therein, at any time atler such importation, consumpziou. shall be subject to the duties, if any, imposed on like articles by the revenue laws in force at the clam of importation: And provided further, Penny for mh That in casa any articles imported under the provisions of this act shall without p.yh,g be withdrawn for consumption, or shall be sold without; payment ot duty. duty as required by law, all penalties prescribed by the revenue laws shall be applied and enforced against such articles, and against the persons who may be guilty of such withdrawal or sale. Approved, March 3, 1887.