Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/445

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412 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Cns. 215, 216. 1887 . Secretary; and in cases where merchandise shall be imported in boxes, or packages too large to be included within the safes, trunks, or ‘pouches’ as prescribed, such merchandise may be transported under the provisions of this act by such express companies, ‘ corded and sealed’, in such. manner as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Secretary of the P¤¤“¤H°*`¤’ bag' Treasury; and ‘ passengers’ baggage and effects arriving at any of the g°g°‘ ports specified in section one of this act, which shall appear by the manifest of the importing vessel, or other satisfactory evidence, to be destined to any of the ports specified in the seventh section, may also be transported by express companies under the provisions of this act to any of the ports specified in the seventh section thereof, in such manner and under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury Bulky mcrcham may prescribe’; and merchandise such as pig-iron, spiegle-iron, scrapdim- iron, iron-ore, railroad-iron, and similar articles commonly transported upon platform or flat cars may be transported under the provisions of ' this act upon such platform or flat cars; and the weight of such merchandise so transported shall be ascertained in all cases before ships ment, and ordinary railroad seals may be used for such purposes; and inspectors shall be stationed at proper points along the designated routes, or upon any car, vessel, vehicle, or train, at the discretion of ‘ the Secretary of the Treasury, and at the expense of the companies, re- Trcnsshipmert. spectively. Such merchandise shall not be unladen or transshipped between the ports of first arrival and final destination, unless authorized by the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury in cases which may arise from a diiierence in the gauge of railroads, or ‘ where the route is. bonded for both land and water carriage’, or from accidents, or from legal intervention, or when, by reason of the length of the route, the cars, after due inspection by customs officers, sh all be considered unsafe or unsuitable to proceed further, or from low water, ice, or other un-- · avoidable obstruction to navigation; and in no case shall there be permitted any breaking of the original packages of such merchandise." Approved, February 23, 1887. Feb. 23, 1887. CHAP. 216.-An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Eastern. —-—-——-·——·—· Branch of the Potomac River at the ibot of Pennsylvania avenue east. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Secretary ofiVar States of America. in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of \Var be, rgrecred I? beds? and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be constructed th‘;“§§’;;‘0m;‘;“f) across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River, at the foot of Pennsyl- ’vania avenue, in the District of Columbia, a substantial wooden,iron, or· Appropriuticr. masonry bridge, with necessary approaches; and the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, ont;. of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the construction of said bridge and approaches, the same to be maintained as. 1>»·m·m>». a free bridge for travel: Provided, That the said Secretary of War shall Limit. construct a bridge upon such plan as shall cost no more than the amount Contract. herein appropriated: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be paid out of the Treasury until contracts shall have been entered into with responsible parties, with good and sufficient securities, to be approved by the Secretary of War, for the construction and completion of said bridge, including the approaches, at a cost not to exceed one hundred and ten thousand dollars : And provided also, That the sum Included in Dis- which may be expended under this act shall be treated and regarded trict expenses. as part of the general expenses of the District of Columbia, and the United States shall be credited with the amount which it may pay under this act for the erection of said bridge upon its fifty per centum of the v01_ gg, p_ 1g4_ expenses of the District of Columbia, as provided in the act of June · eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, entitled ‘*An act providing