Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/439

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406 Fomr -N1N1tH eoxomsss. sms. 11. cus. 137-139. 1887. Feb. 17, 1887. CHAP. 13'l.—.Au act to authorize terms of the circuit court of the_United 'Stafes ——-—————— for the eastern judicial district of North Carolina at the city of Wilmington, in said district. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the_ United Circuit 9011}**, States of America in Congress assembled, That terms of the circuit court

:{”C d'f""°* of the United States for the eastern judicial district of the State of

°?rems°f,°}_m°' North Carolina shall'be held at the city of Wilmington, in sand district, R. S., sec. 658, p. at the times now fixed by law for holding the terms of the district court 122. _ of the United States at said place. 10}}* S·· “°°·°72·P· Sec. 2. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after ' its passage. __ Approved, February 17, 1887. 4 . . Feb. 17, 1887. DECHAP. 138.-An actdirecting the Secretary of War to umcind the record of Harrison >—·——-—— Why. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Harrison Dewey. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be G¤•¤*¤d b°¤°¤· directed to amend the record of the War Department in the ease of bh “‘“““""’“t‘ Harrison Dewey, late second lieutenant of Company E, Second Regiment Vermont Volunteere, so as to grant him an honorable muster-out: from said service as of the date of his dismissal as now shown by said record. Approved, February 17, 1887. ` Feb. 17, 1887. CHAP. 139.-An act to amend action (ive Hundred and thirty-three of the Revised ···—··········" Statutes of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Arkansas, cast- Staten of America in Congress assembled, That section five hundred and $3t J“d'°“’1 d’“‘ thirty-tnree of the Revised Statutes be amended as follows, namely: R_’S__ sm 533,p_ éxdd, Sher tide words *‘ the eastern district includes the residue of said 90, amended. tate the o owing: Tw 9 divisions _" Said eastern district shall be, and is hereby, divided into two diestablished. visions, to be known as the eastern and western divisions of the eastern district of Arkansas. The eastern division shall consist of the fol· lowing counties, to wit: Mississippi, Crittenden, Lee, Phillips, Clay, Graighead, Poinsett, Greene, Cross, Saint Francis and Monroe, and the western division of the remaining counties in said district; but no nddmonal marshal shall be appointed in said district ”. Terms. *• The court for the eastern division shall be held at Helena, and for the western division at Little Rock, as now provided for by law; and Jurisdiction. each of said courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters cognizable in said courts and arising in the counties comprising the division to the same extent, to all intents and purposes as if said divisions were separate districts? ‘ Present actions Sec. 2. That all crimes and offenses heretofore committed within ¤°* ******6- either of said districts, shall be prosecuted, tried, and determined in glaegszsilme manner and with the same effect as if this act had not been Approved, February 17, 1887.