Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/391

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358 FOBTY-NINTH CONGRESS. SES . II. Gus. 16, 21. 1887. J an. 3, 1887. CHAP. 16.-For the relief of Hymn E. Dunlap. Preamble. Whereas, Myron E. Dunlap, late first lieutenant of Company E. Fourteeuth Regiment New York Heavy Artillery, was casbiered from the service for tendering his resignation ;_ and _ Whereas,sa1d dismissal was based upon msnihment grounds: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United MF'"` E- D¤¤· States of Ammca in Congress assembled, That the said First Lieutenant "{’;nmed bomb Myron E. Dunlap, late of Company E. Fourteenth Regiment New York ""° "*“‘*"¤°· .'i'.l’i‘*Z..’L,*wv*""""":,}"Ez,§“€i’ ‘€tiff£’t§S’a¤“’}“§"l}"§ %L“°”“'g°‘l§‘?'“ "‘° · in nee n , 1 e a en regu rymustered out of the military service of the United States on the twenty- third day of July, eighteen hundred and sixtydbur; and the Secretary of War is hereby directed to enter upon the proper records of the War _ Department the corrections made by this act of the military record of Prvviw- said omcerz Provided, That this act shall never be construed so as to “1;°* *° 8***** P*Y» grant any pay or allowance to the benetoiary under the same. Approved, January 3, 1887. _ Jan 17, 1887. 21-·—An at referring to the Court of Claims for adjudication the claims s ——-—-i.. of John H. Kinkead, Samuel Sussman, and Charles 0. Wood. Preamble Whereas John H. Kinkead, of Nevada, and Samuel Sussman, of Califoiéxia, did, 0: the tvlnientyeighth dalylg October, eighteen hundred a sixtveig t, pure asa aoertain u' ing situate on lot known as number oueon the official plat of the town of Sitka, in the Territory gf aglom the Bussian·American Company, the owner of said un mg- Whereas building had been declared by the protocol of the transfer . ot Russian America to the United States to be private property; and

 therealfegthrx collector of customs of the United States did

_ the rom said in `ead and ussman alease of a portion of said ‘ _ building, and entered thereupon ; and _ _ _ ~ z Whereas afterward General Jefferson C. Davis did seize the whole of sand building, 0n’the ground that the same was the property of the United States, notwithstanding the commissioners appointed to ascertain private property had eertmed the same to be private property; and Whereas afterward said Ki nkead and Sussman did present their petition t0_ the Ugiited States Court of Claims claiming rent for the said buildmg- an Whereas said court did, on the eleventh day of June, eighteen hundred Wand •-1gh`ty-three, dismiss said claim,_for want of jurisdiction only; and nereas Lharles C. Wood, of Ohio, did in like manner purchase a certau;other_b¤ihl¤ng,s1tua:te on lot knoivg as number twenty-four, from smc ussian- merican ompany am il in i ·e ma n t hi petition to the Court of Claims fzor rent of the same: llirepgshieelhaxg mg been in like manner seized for the use of the United States, notwithstanding the same had been certilied to be private property; and Whengleavs md ipourt of (élaims did in like manner dismiss the claim of sm ’ , or want o jmise iction only: Therefore, l _ Be it enacted by the Seualc and Home of Repreamiaf th U ited ' kezhgmgglglg States of America in Cmzgress assembled, That jurisrligiofifbe? antd is mm: and mmm hereby, conferred on the Court of Claims to hear the claims of John H. 0_ w?,,d_ Kinkead, and §amnel isussman and Charles Q. Wood, for the rent and fx4g::::: Ceann} value of certain buildings in the town of Cntka, in the Territory of Chim <>¤ 0 Alaska, alleged by them to have been acquired by virtue of purchase ‘ l'rom_t]he Russia: Amelrican Company, upon the evidence already tiled in said court an suc additional legal evidence as m be h a presented on either side; and if said court shall find tlzgt saidepargg acquired a valid title to_said buildin gs respecti\·ely_alleged_ to have been purchased by them, said court shall award to sand parties a fair and