Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/372

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FORTY-`NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 932. 1886. 337 CHAP. 932.-An act in relation to the western judicial district of \Visconsin. August 5, 1886. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ · _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the regular terms of the _W¤9#¢¤i} $$*1}**8] circuit and district courts in the western district of Wisconsin shall be g§m°t° '°“°“` held at the times and places following: At Eau Claire, on the first Tues- jim, for holding day in June; at La Crosse, on the third Tuesday in September; and courts changed. at Madison, on the iirst Tuesday in December in each year; and the 12R- S·»¤°°·658»P· clerk residing at Madison shall attend all terms of said courts at Eau 3‘ Claire as clerk thereof. " Approved, August 5, 1886. sum? L—\’OL xxr\‘—22 _ \ .