Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/346

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 929. 1886. 311 Improving harbor at Lynn, Massachusetts : Continuing improvement, Lynn, Mass. six thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Nantucket, Massachusetts : Continuing improve- Nautucket,Mass. ment, fifteen thousand dollars._ Improving Hyannis Harbor, Massachusetts, ten thousand dollars. Hyannis Harbor, Improving harbor at Newburyport, Massachusetts: Continuing im- Mmgabnryport, provement, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. Mass. Improving harbor at Wareham, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- rv,,";,,,,,,, M,,,,, ment, fifteen thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Plymouth, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- Piynionunmass. ment, six thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Hingham, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- Hingham, Mass. ment, six thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Provincetown, Massachusetts: Continuing im- Provincetown, provement, three thousand dollars. Mw- Improving harbor at Gloucester, Massachusetts. five thousand dol- G 1 o u o o s t o i-, lars; of which two thousand dollars, or so much as may be needed for Mwa survey, and remainder on Babson’s Ledge. For the national harbor of refuge of the ilrst class at Sandy Bay: Con- Sandy Bay, inntinuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars. lm ¢>f wfnsv- Improving harbor at Scituate, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- soitnimnmasn. ment, ten thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Westport, Massachusetts : Continuing improve- Westport, Mass. ment, one thousand dollars, r sandfence Improving harbor at Wood’s Holl, Massachusetts: Continuing im- Wood’s Hou, provement, fourteen thousand ilve hundred dollars. Mw- Improving harbor at Block Island, Rhode Island: Continuing im- Block rnrana, provement, twenty thousand dollars; of which eight thousand dollars B- I- shall be expended on the breakwater and twelve thousand dollars on the inner harbor. ‘ ' Improving harbor at Newport, Rhode Island: Continuing improve- Newport, R. 1. ment, fifteen thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Bridgeport, 'Connecticut: Continuing improve- B i- i u g o p o i- t, ment, twenty thousand dollars. C¤¤¤· · Improving harbor at Black Rock, Connecticut: Continuing improve- Blac k R o o k, ment, five thousand dollars. C¤¤¤· Improving breakwater at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing im- N o w H a v o n, provcment, seventy-tive thousand dollars. Conn- Improving harbor at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing improvement, twenty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at New London, Connecticut: Continuing improve- New L o n u o n, ment, two thousand dollars. .C°¤¤· Improving harbor at Norwalk, Connecticut: Continuing improve- Norwalk, conn. . ment, three thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Stonington, Connecticut: Continuing improve- St <> n i n z f ¤ nv ment, twenty thousand dollars. -°°“"· Improving harbor at Stamford, Connecticut: Continuing improve- Stamford, conn ment, ten thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor at Buifalo, New York: Continuing improvement, Buffalo, N. Y. and repairs on the outer breakwater, one hundred and twelve thousand “"i"‘““"'°""§""""‘ lk oi. i N Y i. o. a - - B .. n · m ving uttermi anne , ew or : n nmng improve- n erm; mentF|il0fty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. _ _ _ C'h=¤¤¤¤l» N- Y- Improving breakwater at Rouse's Point, N ew York: Continuing rm- Rona-*sPoinc,N. _ provement, twenty thousand dollars. _ _ _ Y- - Improving harbor at Dunkirk, New York: Continuing improvement, Dunkirk, N. Y. twenty thousand dollars. L Improving harbor at Canarsie Bay, New York: Continuing improve- Canarsis n ay , ment, ten thousand dollars. _ __ _ EY- Improving harbor at Charlotte, New York: Continuing improvement Charlotte, N. Y. and repairs, twenty-six thousand two hundred and ilfty dollars.