Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/32

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XXXIV LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Pago. Henry P. Reed. An act granting a pension to Henry P. Reed. March 3, 1887 ... _ ..-·.---· 932 Henry Liuebaugh. An act for the relief of Henry Lincbaugh, late of Company A, Tlurd Tcnnossco Mounted Infantry Volunteers. March 3, 1887 .. . ..-..·.-- - ------- -- --·-- --· -—--·----- 932 George Lemon. An act for tho relief of George Lemon. March 3, 1887 ------ · ----·---·- - --·- - -•-· 932 Missouri Anderson. An act granting an pension to Missouri Anderson. March 3, 1887 . .--. 933 Joseph M. Potter. An act granting a. pension to Joseph M. Potter. March 3, 1887 ...- ·-:---: ---·- 933 Emile Guerin and Cheri P. Major. An act to confirm to Emile Guerin and Chun P. Major title to certain lands. March 3, 1887 .. . ... . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . 93;; Hman P. Westmoreland. An act for the relief of Thomas P. Wc tmomland. March 3, 1887. . 933 Peter P. Hqfman. An act granting a pension to Peter P. H0ifman. March 3, 1887.-.-.. 933 Lewia M. Strong. An act to increase the pension of Lewis M. Strong. March 3, 1887 . .. . .,.., 934 Isaac Crawford. An act for the relief of Isaac Crawford. March 3, 1887 ...,. 934 Fred B. Barnes. An act directing the Secretary of War to cause tho name of Fred B. Barnes to bc entered as a private on the muster-roll of Company I, Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, and for other purposes. March 3, 1887. . . . ... .. . ---·~·· - ---· · -·-·---·--· 934 Henry Durkcc. An act granting relief to Henry Durkcc. March 3, 1887 .· . .·-----· ·--- -·-··- 935 Samuel F. Rice. An act for the relief of Samuel F. Rico. March 3, 1887 -- .-· ·-·-·---·- ·-- 935 Thomas L Hugh. An act granting a pension to Thomas J. Hays. March 3, 1887 . . ... 935 Sabin Stocking. An act granting an pension to Sabin Shocking. March 3, 1887 . .. . .. .. 936 Richard Forman, An act to increase the pension of Richard Foreman. March 3, 1887 .. . 936 Moses Williams. An act granting a pension to Moses Williams. March 3, 1887 . . . ... 936 Frank Bell. An act to increase tho pension of Captain Frank Bell. March 3, 1887. .. 936 Elizabeth and Mary Glacabrcner. An act for the relicfof Elizabeth Glassbroncr and Mary Glassbroncr. March 3, 1887 . . . . . .. . .. . ... . .. . . .. . . 936 Fourth of July Claims. An act for the allowance of certain claims reported by the accounting 0Hiccrs of tha United States Treasury Department. March 3, 1887 ... .. .- 937 Samuel P. Evan. An act for the relief of Samuel P. Evans. March 3, 1887 .. - . . . 967 William Schuchardt. An act for tho relief of William Schuchardt, United States commercial agent at Picdras N ogras, Mexico. March 3, 1887 ... . ... . . . . . . 967 B. B. Cmmor. An act for the relief of B. B. Connor, of Louisville, Kentucky. March 3, 1887 . 967 Alice Kelley. An act granting a pension to Alice Kelley. March 3, 1887 .. . . . ... 968 Enola E. Henry. An not for the relief of Miss Eula E. Hcmjy. March 3 1887 , . ... 968 Jann Snithpetcr. An act granting a pension to James Smnthpctar. M'nrch 3, 1887 .. 968 Samuel LL Gaines. An act for the relief of Samuel M. Gaines. March 3, 1887 ... . 968 John A. London. A11 act for the relief of John A. London. March 3, 1887 . ..,. ., 969 A. 8. Bloc:. An act for the relief ofA. S. Bloom. March 3, 1887 .2 .,.,...,..,. 969 Mary Romjh. An act granting a pension to Mary Ranfmo. March 3, 1887 . . , 969 William M Morrison. An act for the relief of William M. Morrison. March 3, 1887 . ,,.,,,,., 969 Samuel H. Mm. An act for the relief of the heirs or legal representatives of Samuel H. Mocr. March 3, 1887 . . . . . . . . . . - ... . ..,,. . ., . ,... . ,._,,,_____ 970 Almrundcr Worrell. An act for the relief of Ale xander Worrgll. Mgrch 3, 1887 , ,..,, , ,______ 970 Philip Taylor. An act to remove the charge of desertion from the military record of Philip Taylor. March 3, 1887 ,..,.. ,, ..,,____ ,, ,,,, , ___,,__,,,___ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _ 970 William Figley. An act to remove the charge of desertion against William Figlcy. March 3, 1887 970 George D. Paul. An act for the relief of George D. Paul. March 3, 1887 .,,,_, . ,,,,,________ ____ gn Marg Parrott. An act granting s pension to Mary Parrott. March 3. 1887 .. . . . . 971 H. H. Dodd. An act granting an increase ogkpension to H. H, Dodd, Mm-ch 3, 1881 ____ _ __ ______ 971 Lydia Burdick. An act placing the nemo of rs. Lydia Burdick on the pension-roll. Harch3, 1887 . 971 William C. Spencer. An act for the relief of William C. Spencer. March 3, 1837, ______ _ _________ 971 Lmcrcncc 0’Cm•nor. An act granting a pension to Lawrance 0’C0nn0r. March 3, 1887 . . . 972

F. Hillikcr. An act granting an increase of pcnsion to Benjamin F. Hillikcr. March 3,

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