Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/253

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218 FORTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 894-896. 1886. August 4, 1886. CHAP. 894.-An act to empower the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist ———-—- Protestant Church to hold property in the District of Columbia. Preamble. Whereas the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Protestant Church was incorporated in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-two, in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania; and Whereas it is questioned whether said corporation can lawfully take and hold property in the District of Columbia without the leave and assent of Congress: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United QB°}u’d ¤fF<>¤¤lB¤ States of America in Congreab assembled, That the Board of Foreign Misf:;““£,°1P:t gfkfl sions of the Methodist Protestant Church, which is incorporated by cb,,,,,], ,,,1,,,,,, the laws of Pennsylvania, is hereby empowered to hold real and peredtohold property sonal property in the District of Columbia, acquired, or that shall be i¤ 0 C¤· acquired, by gift, purchase, devise, or bequest, and the same enjoy, or l““’l‘”‘ convey at pleasure as free y as any person or body corporate can do : P*‘¢¤*••>· Provided That only so much real estate may be held by the said Board of Li¤¤i¢¤*i¤¤ •¤ W Foreign Missions as may be necessary for the proper transaction of its "°“l °““*“’· legitimate business, not to exceed an assessed value of fifty thousand dollars. _ Approved, August 4., 1886. · August 4, 18%. CHAP. 895.-An act to establish a land-olllee at Lamar, Colorado. ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Public 1¤md¤._ States of America in Congress assembled, That all that portion of the t P:¤;t**:L9L':_;9· State of Colorado bounded and described as follows: Commencing at

 “ "‘ a point on the eastern boundary-line of said State where the second

5.,¤nd,m.,,_ correction-line south intersects said bonndarydine, and running thence on said second correction-line south to the line dividing ranges numbered fifty-two and dfty-three; thence south on said rangeline to the southern boundarydineof said State; thence east on the southern boundary-line of said State to the eastern boundary-line of said State; thence north on the eastern boundary·1ine of said State to the place of beginning, be and is hereby, constituted a new and separate land-district, to be Land omee to be called the Bent land-district, the land ofllce for which shall be located at Lamar, Colo. in the town of Lamar, county of Bent, in the said State of Colorado. Register and rc- Sec. 2. That the President, by and with the advice and consent of the

dm "° °P‘ Senate, shall appoint a register and a receiver of public moneys for said
  • ‘ district; and said officers shall reside in the place where said land-office

is located, and shall have the same powers and shall discharge similar duties and receive the same fees and emoluments as other officers discharging like duties in the other land-offices of the State of Colorado. Approved, August 4, 1886. , CHAP. 896.—An act to rovide for the ine tion of to eo i an sn —E and to repeal section three thbusand one hundred¥:1id hdronebdigthis gmd Sgituttgi Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatiwvea of the United · Export or tense- State: of America in Congress assembled, That manufactured tobacco, cc, snufl`. and ci- mma', and cigars may be removed for export to a foreign country with- ¤‘{,';’· u1_ mm m out payment of tax, under such regulations, and the making of such ,0 l,,?,,,:,`,,,,,,;,, ,,3; entries, and the tiling of such bonds and bills of lading as the Commis- Com miseioner or siouer of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the inaemal Revenue. Treasury, shaH prescribe. Inspectors of to Src. 2. That section thirty-one hundred and fifty-one, of the Revised gfmbgd °‘g°’“ Statutes of the United States is hereby repealed. 60;%- S-. Mc- 3151.v- Sec. 3. That this act shall take efect on the first day of the second ·‘°P“1°d· calendar month succeeding that in which it is approved. Approved, August 4, 1886.