Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/242

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 827. 1886. 207 and three charwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each; in all, fifty-two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. For contingent expenses of the Post-Oflice Department, including Contingent ex. the additional building occupied by the money-order division of the T‘°“°S· Sixth Auditor’s Office: For stationery and blank-books, including amount necessary for the purchase of free penalty envelopes, thirteen thousand dollars ; fuel, and for repairs to heating apparatus, eight thousand dollars; for gas, six thousand two hundred dollars; plumbing and gas-fixtures, three thousand dollars; telegraphing, three thousand five hundred dollars ; painting, four thousand dollars ; carpets and matting, four thousand dollars; furniture, six thousand dollars; keeping of horses and repair of wagons and harness, one thousand ave hundred dollars; hardware, one thousand seven hundred dollars; miscellaneous items, thirteen thousand dollars; in all, sixty-three thou and nine hundred dollars. _ For rent of topographer’s office, one thousand five hundred dollars; R¤¤¢· for rent of a suitable building or buildings for the use of the money-order oliice of the Post-Omce Department, eight thousand dollars; for rent of building for use of the money-order division of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Ofrice Department, four thousand five hundred dollars ; in all, fourteen thousand dollars. For the publication of copies of the Official Postal Guide, eighteen Q¤l¤i¤1 Postal thousand enum. G·¤¤·=·· For miscellaneous expenses of the topographer’s office in the prepara— P¤¤t-¤>¤f¤ ¤¤¤1¤¤- tion and publication of the post-route maps, ifteen thousand dollars. And the Postmaster·General may authorize the sale of post-route maps Saleto the public at cost, the proceeds of such sales to be used as a further appropriation for the preparation and publication of post·route maps. For postage-stumps for correspondence addressed abroad which is P<>¤*¤s¤· not exempt from postage under article eight of the Paris convention of the Universal Postal Union, five hundred dollars. Jumo [AL. J¤<¤¤i¤1- Orman or THE AG`TORNEY-GENEBAL.—Fof compensation of the D°.P=“'*m°¤* °f Attorney-General, eight thousand dollars; Solicitor-General, seven J°1E2;%fAmm°y_ thousand dollars; three Assistant Attorneys-General, at five thousand Ggugggl, Solicitor dollars each; one Assistant Attorney-General of the Post-Ofilce Depart- General, etc. ment, four thousand dollars; Solicitor of the Internal Revenue, four thousand five hundred dollars; examiner of claims, three thousand tive hundred dollars; two assistant attorneys, at three thousand dollars each; three assistant attorneys, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; one assistant attorney, at two thousand dollars; law clerk and examiner of titles, two thousand seven hundred dollars; chief clerk and ex officio superintendent of the building, two thousand two hundred dollars; stenographic clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two law clerks, at two thousand dollars each ; live clerks of class four; additional for disbnrsing clerk and clerk in charge of pardons, two hundred dollars each; three clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; five clerks of class one; one telegaph operator. at one thousand dollars; seven copyists ; one messenger; tour assistant messengers; three laborers; three watchmen; one engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; two conductors of the elevator. at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; five charwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each; superintendent of building, two hundred and fifty dollars; and three iiremen; in all, one hundred and twelve thousand six hundred and ten dollars. _ For contingent expenses of the Department, namely: For furniture C0¤lI1¤E°¤t ¤· and repairs, one thousand dollars; for law and miscellaneous books for P°”’°’· library of the Department, one thousand ilve hundred dollars; for stationery, one thousand five hundred dollars; for miscellaneous expenditures, such as telegraphing, fuel, lights., labor. and other necessaries, including ordinary r•·;¤.ii·s of buildin;,: and care of grounds, seven thou-