Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/182

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 778. 1886. 147 AP. .— actfor h s run f i sg .,1.S:L .,251 n23m ilk5E2E‘é‘.?¤.m‘B2if§‘iSf6 {Eli §m‘IS1'8“£S1EfJ§.i. ""’ "`°““ _;'113‘&.3;'*’j; B0 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the assent of Congress is City of Detroit hereby given to the municipality known as the city of Detroit, zi body cor- “ “.* h ° T i Z ° d ¥° pomte existiu g by and under the laws of the State of Michigan, to erect léf:c°:*`§§twE;;’t'Q: an bridge across the Detroit River between any point on the northwest- city and Belle Isle ern bank of said river within the limits of said corporation zmibresaid Park. and the island in the Detroit River heretofore known as Belle Isle, and now known and designated as Belle Isle Park, the said bridge to be devoted to such general use as may be prescribed by the municipal authorities of the city of Detroit. Sec. 2. That the bridge authorized to be erected by this act shall be , so located and constructed that the channel of said Detroit River shall unI;}’*affo;b“t“°* not; be unreasonably obstructed, but that a draw or pivot span of not D,§,,·_ ' less than one hundred and twenty-five feet clear opening on each side of the pivot-pier shall be located over the above-specified channel in such a manner that one or both of the openings of said draw or pivot span can be conveniently and safely reached and passed by boats pursuing tlne ordinary channel of the river: that one opening at least of :1. dmw or pivot span shall be over the best and most convenient channel of the river for such classes of river trailic as shall End it convenient to use said channel. Sec. 3. That the height at which said bridge shall be constructed H¤i¤h¤· above the surface of the river shall be such as may be approved by the Secretary of War. , S20. 4. That all draw or pivot spans authorized by this act shall be Draw tv be ¤p· operated by steam' or other reliable mechanical power, and shall be °”"°‘1 W ”*°°“'· opened promptly upon such signals as are now prescribed bylaw for the passage of boats through draw or bridges, and such other and further regulations as may he prescribed in the premises. Sec. 5. That piers upon which said bridge is built shall be parallel Piers. with the current of the river, and so as to avoid producing cross-currents or bars dangerous to navigation; and if, after construction, any piers are found to produce the above-mentioned eifcots, the nuisance shall be abated or corrected by or at the expense of the corporation owning or operating said bridge, and when advised by the Secretary of War. Sm:. 6. That it shall be the duty of the municipal corporation au- Lights. thorized to erect a bridge under this act to maintain, at its own expense, from sunset to sunrise of each day throughout the season of navigation, and during heavy fogs, such lights on the bridge as may be required by the Light-Honse—Board for the security of navigation. Sec. 7. That any bridge constructed under this act and according to To be lawful its limitations shall be sx lawful structure, and shall be recognized and ¤f¤‘¤¤¢¤1‘¤¤¤¤1x>¤¤¤· — known as a post-route, over which the mails, troops, and munitions of "°“*°· war of the United States may be transported at no higher charge than is made for transportation of said mails, troops, and munitions of war over railroads and public highways leading to said bridge; and the United States shall have the right of way for postal-telegraph lines and Pogtgltelegrgph, appliances across said bridge. Sec. 8. That before commencing work on the bridge contemplated Secmtaryorwu in this act it shall be the duty of the municipal authorities of the city *° ¤PP¥°*’° P1•¤¤» of Detroit to submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination, a ""‘ design and drawing of the bridge and piers, and a map of the location, giving, for the space of one-half mile above and one-half mile below the proposed location, the topography of the banks of the river, the shorelines at high and low water, the direction of the current, and soundiugs showing accurately. the bed of the stream, and such other and further ’ information as the Secretary of War may require for as full and satisfactory understanding of the subject. Sec. 9. That when the Secretary of War is satisfied that the pro- Construction m visions of this act have been complied with in the matter of location LFg¥:f‘$:1{‘i and the submission of plans, the building of the piers may at 01106 h,d,,,t,,I,k,,,,,,t,,_