Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/171

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136 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 757. 1886. including compensation of a justice of the peace acting as judge of the police court during the absence of said judge, notexceedlng three hundred dollars; books, stationery, fuel, ice, gas, witnessfees, and other necessary items, three thousand dollars; for judicial expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars. PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Disrmcr OF COLUMBIA. Public ¤¢i¤¢><>¤¤- For salaries of superintendents, teachers, and janitors, secretary of the board, and clerks, including additional teachers, rents, repairs, fuel, furniture, books, stationery, new school buildings, igirnéturca for npw school buildings, and other necessaryitems `ve un re ant seven y- two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, namely: Supcriut¤·n·\•=¤¤n. For officers: For one superintendent, at two thousand seven hundred dollars; one superintendent, at two thousand two hundred and ilfty Clerks. dollars; one clerk to superintendent and secretary to board of trustees, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk to supelringendgngfpt - eight hundred dollars; in all, six thousand nine hun re an y dollars. _ , Teachers. For teachers, not to exceed six hundred and twenty in number, to be employed at a rate of compen ation not to exceed the rate provided by the present schedule of salaries, and at an average salary not to] exceeg six hundred and seventy dollars, four hundred and fifteen t ousan four hundred dollars. Night ¤¤l¤···>l•~ For teachers of night schools, two thousand five hundred dollars. J¤¤i¢¤¤·- For janitors, and care of the several school buildings: For care of the high-school building, one thousand six hundred dollars; of the Jefferson building, one thousand four hundred dollars; of the Franklin _ and Stevens buildings, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; of the Force, Seaton, Henry, Webster, Gales, Peabody, Wallach, Garnett, Sumner, Analostan, Curtis, and Dennison buildings, at nine hundred dollars each of, tha? Lincoln and Miner buildgigslz at eighlié hundreg dol lars each; 0 the wining, A bot, John . oo , and andall uildings at seven hundred dollars each- of the Cranch Amidon Morse Brerlt, Bannaker, Blair, Wormley, Addison, and twh new briildings: five hundred dollars each; for messenger to the superintendent of the tirst six divisions, three hundred dollars; for messenger to the superintendent of the seventh and eighth divisions, two hundred dollars; for °?§i‘i£’33il‘.i‘}‘°{..‘}“it'.E?i*?..“ §“J.3".E§£L‘L§1*”"§’E”.2J33f”“ “’ °"°‘§.“ f°'°°Ii e . s a e c -room,six ousan dollars· in all, thirty-one thousand nine hundred dollars. Bent of school . For rlent of school buildings, six thousand dollars; for fuel, twenty b*¤¤ld"{8¤·°*°- thousand dollars; repairs and improvements to school buildings and P°¤°'¤S*‘°'°· °*· grounds, twenty thousand dollars; and for contingent expenses, in- !'"""' cluding furniture, hooks, stationery, printing, insurance, tools, apparatus and materia s for industrial in tructiou and other necessary items; twenty thousand dollars; in all, sixty-six thousand dollars. uiiililiiigs. For buildings for schools: For the purchase of sites, and for the erecrim, p. 264. tion and completion of new buildings, and for furniture for new school Prwm. buildings, fifty thousand dollars :•Prmzided, That the plans and specifiagzng *3 if P3; cations for each of said buildings, and for all other buildings provided gl- b,md{,,;l:f°_ for iuthis act, shall be prepared by the inspector of buildings of the District of Columbia, and shall be approved by the Architect of the Capitol and the Commissioners of the District, and said buildings shall be constructed by the Commissioners in conformity therewith. MISOELDANEOUS Exrmvsns. A Miscellaneous For repairs and replacement of public hay-scales, five hundred dol- ”P°°'°°- lars; for rent of District offices, three thousand six hundred dollars; for general advertising, three thousand dol'ars; for books for register