Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1143

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1 ] 1 6 I) DLX. Page. i Page. Manca, Mary (mother), I Jlarclabanlcs, Henry (colored), _ peupiou . . . . . 603 · payment to . . .. . . . . - . .. . 762 Jlunharf, Frank, Marchbanks, Julia F., pension .. . . . . 749 · payments to ... -.. .. .. 947 Jlanila, Marcum, G; W., _ appropriation for consul at. 113, 483 r payment to . . . . . .------~----- 7·4 Ma nisfee, Mich., : Jlarcua Hq0k! Pa., _ _ _ _ appropriation for improvement of harbor . 315 appropriation foruiiprovement of10B harbor 312 Alanilowoc, Wis., Mare Island (Cal.) 2\avy-Yard, appropriation for improvement of harbor . 316 appropriation for stone dry-dock . Mankin. John W., _ for iron crane .: _ .. . . . .. 237 payment fg ______ _ _____________ ___, ______ 949 j Jfqricopa and ]’hq·m_; ]?m,[p(·qy ("gypgqnyl U Manley, Newton A., [ granted right; of way rhrough (111:1. River n I payment to ,... , . . ... 663 I Indian Reservation ,,,_,, _ ,,_, _ _ _ _ .$h]_ llama, C. H, _ Marine Corps,_ payment to, messenger House of Repre- ; appropriation for pay of cffcers on active seumtives . . ..- 630 · list .. . LQQ, 590 Jlann, I`rancis J., * on retired list . ._ . lub, 590 payiueu; m ,_..,. , .,... . . 774for non-commissioned ofHc¤rS, p¤V¤t€¤,_ ‘ Mannakee, Elisha, I etc .. . .. .._ ,... lpfi, 590 payment to administrutrix of . 673 i for civil force; transportation, etc . loo, 590 ' Jlunnhcim, i for provisions . . .. . . ... 15h, 591 appropriation for consul at . .--. 113, 483 for clothing . . .. . .. 156, 59L for clerk hire .. . . . . . . 116, 485 E for fuel . .. . ..--- - ----· 156. 591 Manning and De Foreat, ‘ for military stores .. . . . r . . 156, 591. payment ofjudgn1em0fC0urt of Claims to. 277 l for transportation and expenses of rc- Mnnaon, Frank E., crniting . . . . ... . -. 157,591 payment to, for losses, wreck of the Jenn- for repairs of barracks; rent .. . 157,591 nette . . . . . . .. . . 8253 for forage .. . .. . . . . . .- .157, 592 Jlanaur, George H., for contingent expenses . . . . . . . 157, 592 payment ofdumages to, Fox and Wisconsin for hire of quarters for onicers . 157, 59z Rivers . . . . . ---. 283 balances to be covered into the Treasury Manila, Robert 0., _ on settlement of accounts for the payment to .. ---. .. . . .-.. 664 year . ..,.. . . . . ..-. 157 Aluunjhclories, D. C., deficiency appropriations for . - 268 to have ’rh·e·escapes and stand-pipes, if over for rations ... . . . . . . 268 50 fectnhigh 365 for provisions . . 268 hallways and smirways to be lighted; for C. A. Doyle, pay .. , ,,... ,.,. ,,,, 263 alarms . . . . 365 = for hire of unrters .,.., . ,.,,., 260 Manufacturers of Oloonmrgarine, { for repair 0% barracks, Boston, Mass 269 special mx on .. . . . . . . 909 for hire of quarters .. . . . ...,. .. 269 provisions of law applicable to .. 209 i for transportation, Panama expedition - 269 penalty for carrying on business without: ‘ , fur gag, water, am ,,_________ _ ,,______ __ 269 paying tax .. . .. . ... 210 i for height and transportation ,,..,, 269 to file notices, inventories, bonds with col- { fm- small smug ____ _ ______________ _ ____ 259 lector of internal revenue ... 210 = for freight and transportation . . 269 to put up signs and aB: number to fac- for transportation, Panama expedition .. 269 tory- . . 210 5 for pay .. . .. ... 296- to pub up product in iirkins, etc., contain- { for contingent ...,.. . . .. .. 296, 301,307 ing not less than ten pounds 210 { for provisions .. -. .. ,-.. 296 to sell only in original packages . . 210 E transportation, etc .. J. . 301 pvnmhy for violating .. . 210 ; Maya;. nmpuql 3,,-pg", to smmp and label each package; form. . 210 { appropriation for pay of Supervising Surtp pay mx gf'2 gent; on each pound, ,,,,,, 210 { gg0u.Ggng|·g| _,,__,___ ___,,, _____, 185 608 mx to be assessed on product sold without , thr surgeons, clerks, etc. . . 185:608 _ using stamps ... · ..-- - .--·.. 211 2 deficiency appropriation for .. . ... 299 m addition to penalties .. . . 2H ¤ Marine Hospitals. Manatee River-, Fla., _ i appropriation for repairs and preservation approprmtmn fcrnmprovement of 3*21 I of . .. . . .. .. .. . . ... . 224 ‘ Mquuecwtipra, Hulorocal, e(¢*., _ 5 Marine Insurance Companies (eee Insurance). coxumussnmi to report on value 0L consti- 542 2 Marinette, Win., turn _",,.,,,,...,.-,.. . ,..,,, X nnthqrizedg' Jfanz, Sarah (mofhefj, ! ]Iaring,Jolm,t° bndg Menommec Rn-cr · N 168 vension ,.., , ..,.. .. . . . ... 698 I avmem; to su'¤ 5'" Map of the ['uifed Slain, _ _ _ Mgrion, Rrdinanlezln g dmlmstntorofu n lm appropriation for prmtmg, edition of 1885: Z' payment of damngesto Fox and Wisconsin _dist.:ibutwn . . . . ... . 347 Rivers ,..,.. . . . ., ,_, __ , _ ,,,, __ _ , 284 Haramzwz _ { Marion, Frederick, lpprgprggtggn fqrgqugul gt; ,,,...,,, ,,,,l]§,483i pgngign ____________ ____ ______________ 843 Igblez Jinrllm J. (widow), 747 Mgrkhany H. H., ¤¤10¤ -_ ----····- ·--- ··-·-· · ----··· -- ·--· 5 nymeut to .. -... ... . ’ Marburf; J:;::::: G., 663 E Marlow, James, 2861 if 8]] ()__,.,. ,,,,,,...-...-.,,.,,, { m ______.._____ M£rbnt’ Jgmqg M_, I jfgfgpmegt to ---" an-- .••.~. 664; P¤S¤1¤¤¢ tv · --—·- · ····· - ·--·· · ····- - --·-- 676 1•¤vm;·u:'g’r:r1miniatrator of 664 N¤¤·¥·q¤¢. Rebecca (»w¢F•¢•·). Q Mcwimre, Mich., ```````````°` P°¤¤*°¤ -·---· · ·-·-- · -···· · -~·-· · ···- 699 ¤· =m>¤>x»¤¤¤i¤¤ for improvement of harbor. 315